Swollen ankles/Endema on steroids.

I'm Female.
First ever cycle was var & winny, worked up to 20mg of each every day. I noticed my feet would get swollen & get worse throughout the day as i was standing 12+ hours each day.
The swelling went down after the cycle.
Now 2 months later I'm starting primo, I'm only 2 days in. Should I expect swelling on this too?
Have you heard of swelling while on steroids before, is there anything I can do to lesson it? It wasn't sore, just uncomfortable/tight feeling and I was self conscious that people would notice.

Thanks guys.
For men, the edema is usually caused by high estrogen levels when they run aromatizable compounds so they can just use an AI. But you aren't running that so I am not sure what is causing your issue. Sometimes using SERMs (e.g. raloxifene) can cause it too.

Are there any other medications you use?

Make sure to keep an eye on your blood pressure.
My wife had this happen with primo depot she takes lasix prescribed 10 mg eod and it pulled all the water off even happened to me once got some adex and that took all the water off
12 hours on your feet huh? I know women that happens to that also stand for similar amounts of time throughout the day an not on steroids. It might just happen from being on your feet that long in other words. I'm not sure the underlying cause of that though....maybe poor circulation, idk. I hope things work well for ya, figuring it out n stuff. Good luck!