Symptoms of an Abcess?

Symptoms include;
- Area is a little extra warm to touch.
- You may feel feverish.
- Red blotchines at the surface of the skin.

An abcess starts off from an infection. This is what happens with injections. If there is bacteria in the oil, on the skin or on the needle, it could find it's way inside your muscle. Then the infection begins. It usually starts off as cellulitis, which is a moderate infection that the body starts to fight off like any other infection. If the bacteria is too strong or too much, the body will protect itself by enclosing the infected area with a hard shell to contain it. This is the abcess. It needs to be surgically removed unfortunately as it is useless tissue at that point. The bigger the infection the bigger the abcess.
So to answer your question, an abcess is caused by an infection. An infection could have been caused by bacteria entering the muscle via the needle, or the oil. That is why we all stress on sterility of injection sites, needles, and oil.
It will hurt like a SOB. It was very sore the next day, and on day 2, I already had what looked like a big boil on my ass.
butt pimple

I can tell you something my friend did in this situation. I have never injected, this is just what I know through him. He tried to squeeze it... like a pimple. He said there was pain. He said this caused it to grow. What I am telling you is that it can get worse. Maybe you can see a doctor or use some antibiotics. But I will tell you this and you should take it seriously. Do not start to squeeze it. This is not some sort of zit. You will be sorry if you do. My firend regreted it.