Syno conversion issues?


New member
So I recently finished my first Syno conversion using Basskillers directions and everything came out just like it should. I ended up with around 9g of powder then mixed it with the full 100ml of oil w/ 'disolving solution' that comes with the kit then dry heat sterilized at 275°F for 2 hours. I was already a quarter of the way through my cycle using test prop from an UGL and everything was going good. A couple days ago i switched to the HB test prop I made and im noticing that there is NO pain from it. Not right away and not within the next couple days either. Im beginning to wonder if I messed up somewhere or what because I know what the pain is like after a test Prop shot and I'm not having any. Anyone else have this experience? I mean it hasn't been long enough to tell if my HB is ineffective yet since it's only been a couple days. Is it possible that baking messed up the test or did something to one of the chemicals rendering it ineffective?
I've only HB'd fina but prop doesn't have to hurt. Back in the day when I could still get Nordic it was smooth as silk.
I have converted prop with an a$$ load of pain from SK which they are no longer in service, with tons of pain. I've also converted from AA with no pain and great results. I would give it 2 weeks before saying you messed it up. I heat it up to dry it out with the oven door open at the lowest temp possible.