Synovex H


New member
Hey bros, I recently fell in love with test prop and it seems SUPER cost effective for me to use synovex H and convert it. It comes out to be approx 180ml's for about $215. Do you have any knowledge about this. I don't mean about converting it, I mean about usage knowledge. It should be the same as using a UG lab right, except I know I'm making it clean and sterile. What do you think? This def seems like a better plan as far as cost goes and I can make it 200mg's instead of 100mg's, so that makes loading up with mast etc better. Do u guys notice a diff between this prop and other prop's? Help a brutha out!
i dont know anything about synovex but i do know that you do not want to dose any prop at 200mg/ml. yes, it can be done, but i dont think it's a good idea.
All i know about it is that you need to extract the estrogen compound estrodial. There are compounds that can neutralize it i believe, but there is also a way to extract just the test prop from the estrodial as well. Not sure about it, check basskiller. they have recipes for a lot of that stuff.

I got the recipe from basskiller and I was gonna order the kit to make it from finafast but the kit looks different from the kit they use on basskiller. Any help? Do I buy the 10c syno kit from finafast?
i dont know anything about synovex but i do know that you do not want to dose any prop at 200mg/ml. yes, it can be done, but i dont think it's a good idea.

Only time I've made Prop @ was with EO as the carrier. I've never done a Synovex conversion so i couldn't say how it would work.

As for the kit to buy, you got me, but I have to imagine any Sny kit would work. Most of the times its cheaper to buy the supplies seperately, espe if your gonna do more than one conversion.
No idea. But alot of the kits seem to be coming with a sufficient amount based upon your Grams of Test prop.

Good luck on finding it, a detailed google search and search of many forums might do you well.
So..... Fuck my life. I made half the kit today and had about 43mins left of baking time when the whole batch was ruined. During the drying portion you have to take the powder out and chop it up a bunch about every 30mins or so. After about the 3rd time, the painters cap that I was using started to fray into the powder a bit so I chucked the powder that was stuck to it in the one spot and continued on with the powder I had left (still 85% of it). About 2 chop sessions later a little more hat/filter came up so in a moment of anger, I put the remaining powder in the pan for the last 45 mins and it basically melted into a liquid/gel shit. If I would have thought about it for half a second, I wouldn't have placed the powder directly on the pan (the pan was sanitary) but I couldn't think of what to do at that moment. The whole process was rather easy but VERY time consuming. All that was left was adding the powder to the oil and then whatman-ing it. I'm pretty bummed out. I have to find a different filter I guess. I have the other half but I won't try again for a while.
I wanted to know the same thing a while back.. so I researched. From all the shit
I sifted through sodium tert butylate rose
to the top of the list as the most likely suspect. If this isn't correct, someone please
correct me.

I thought the Est Sol was NaOH or lye.
I found a post that a lot of people agree with that says it .25grams of lye in 10ml's of distilled water. This is the only "sketchy thing" to me. I messed up a batch so for me to order the "magic solution" I would have to buy at least 1 5cart kit for 60 bucks. This doiesnt seem to be too much but if I could just confirm that all it is lye and distilled water, I could save 55 bucks. I have all the other junk. Damn, getting around loop holes is hard.
No worries man, there is a lot more
propionate out there waiting.
As for the lye, i never came across anyone
using it while I was researching.
I found a post that a lot of people agree with that says it .25grams of lye in 10ml's of distilled water. This is the only "sketchy thing" to me. I messed up a batch so for me to order the "magic solution" I would have to buy at least 1 5cart kit for 60 bucks. This doiesnt seem to be too much but if I could just confirm that all it is lye and distilled water, I could save 55 bucks. I have all the other junk. Damn, getting around loop holes is hard.
Your best bet is to use a mortar and pestle to crush the tabs into powder then mix with DMSO.

A small 3-4 ounce bottle works fine.

Shake well and then apply a small amount to the shoulder or quadriceps area. The solution will absorb topically.

Best bet is to mix with Finaplex - try for 45 days and you will be amazed.
cant do transdermal syno without removing th estro. lye CAN be used, but it will completely strip the prop ester and leave TNE. usually just buy the ester stripper
Synovex-h is test prop with estradiol.Finaplix-h is trenbalone.Synovex-h implants contain two steroid hormones, testosterone propionate and estradiol benzoate.You can try to remove the estrogen, but unless you are extremely estrogen-sensitive,I wouldn't even bother.

So, I came across this. It seems like the estro solubilizer is just Food Grade Sodium Hydroxide Lye Micro Beads.