Synovex H

I just baked up a half of a box (5cc) of Synovex-H and was wondering if I did something wrong because I ended up with lots of powder. I followed the instruction from Basskillers except I made my own my kit did not come with an Estrogen Solubilizer so I did the Noah Lye thing but I think I added to much (3tblspn noah in 1 1/4 cup of water). Everything turned yellow but after I started to wahed the heet & noah out it turned back white. I dont have a scale so I am not sure how much powder I have but it seems like a lot.
Any suggestions anyone?
I made a batch years ago but really can't remember all the details besides it worked, and I got the instructions from the net. I think I used the universal kit from f***farm.
My question is, why don't you just buy the human grade powder? It's not that expensive, at least, it wasn't last time I checked. I just never felt good about injecting all the chemicals used in conversion because theres no way you can get it completely clean.

Update - Found the kit I used. Hit me up with a PM, I can't PM cause I'm a noob.
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I followed the the instructions from basskiller but I dont recall seeing the part about adding the BA and BB.
I am sure the raw powder is much cheaper to buy but since I have a box of Syno I might as well use it before it expires. Besides, its fun playing a chemist:insane:
I made a batch years ago but really can't remember all the details besides it worked, and I got the instructions from the net. I think I used the universal kit from f***farm.
My question is, why don't you just buy the human grade powder? It's not that expensive, at least, it wasn't last time I checked. I just never felt good about injecting all the chemicals used in conversion because theres no way you can get it completely clean.

Update - Found the kit I used. Hit me up with a PM, I can't PM cause I'm a noob.

Can you pm me some info on where?

I just ordered up the Fina-Farm aroma sino kit but if i could avoid the risk of all the chemicals and such it would be so much better.
I thought the Est Sol was NaOH or lye.

you got it right bro! Sodium Hydroxide! NaOH!!! Lye!
You are over complicating things my man. Get a Nalgene Nylon bottle top filter and filter that whole mess and you should be able to salvage that stuff! I could..... wish I were there to help u!
It is an easy process and if you over analyze shit you will fuck up!
Take ur time, get to know ppl. Make some of these guys on here a friend of yours and skip that Syno shit and get you some real estrogenless powder. Much more simple!!!
Can you pm me some info on where?

I just ordered up the Fina-Farm aroma sino kit but if i could avoid the risk of all the chemicals and such it would be so much better.

I can't PM you, you don't get that until 75 posts.
Did you get your kit? Should have instructions. I remember back when I did it I didn't use lye, but definitely used heet. Someone told me that if I didn't have problems with estrogen, I'd probably be fine. I was. The end product worked well, no issues. Great gains, and the only issue being that you had to inject at least EOD, I was doing it ED. It was a pain in the ass to make, I do remember that.
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I can't PM you, you don't get that until 75 posts.
Did you get your kit? Should have instructions. I remember back when I did it I didn't use lye, but definitely used heet. Someone told me that if I didn't have problems with estrogen, I'd probably be fine. I was. The end product worked well, no issues. Great gains, and the only issue being that you had to inject at least EOD, I was doing it ED. It was a pain in the ass to make, I do remember that.

Man I dread those days!
Now you can tell your kids (when you have them) about the old days, when you used to have convert Fina by candlelight.

This cracks me up, because I've told these stories. I was one of the first guys (that I knew of, anyway) doing this back 15-17 years ago.
This cracks me up, because I've told these stories. I was one of the first guys (that I knew of, anyway) doing this back 15-17 years ago.

Wow, that's definitely old school. I was doing it about 8 years ago. I don't know how I could pull it off now with a wife and kids. It's like "Hey dad, whacha doing over there?"
"Just making steroids from cow pills son"
Wow, that's definitely old school. I was doing it about 8 years ago. I don't know how I could pull it off now with a wife and kids. It's like "Hey dad, whacha doing over there?"
"Just making steroids from cow pills son"

Hahaha. I was on the old "original" EF forum back in early-mid 90s telling the guys how to do it. That was back when EF was a place you traded sources and everything was different. It was during this time I met Dan Duchaine and we had some good discussions over the cattle implant conversions. Yeah...I guess I'm kinda old. :(
Hahaha. I was on the old "original" EF forum back in early-mid 90s telling the guys how to do it. That was back when EF was a place you traded sources and everything was different. It was during this time I met Dan Duchaine and we had some good discussions over the cattle implant conversions. Yeah...I guess I'm kinda old. :(

The funny thing is, not much has changed in terms of converting.
I have actually been looking into converting syno into test prop for a while .I have read that if you use lye (I'm not sure at what amounts) in your solution with the HEET for exactly one hour it is supposed to strip the estrogen without stripping the prop ester is this right?
Fina Conversion

Hey guys,
I myself just got 2 carts of fina and a 4g kit but I was also wondering about syno. The estro part freaks me out, have any of you guys had any success with this yet?
I have actually been looking into converting syno into test prop for a while .I have read that if you use lye (I'm not sure at what amounts) in your solution with the HEET for exactly one hour it is supposed to strip the estrogen without stripping the prop ester is this right?

And how are you going to get the LYE OUT?? That stuff you do NOT want on you or in you. HEET (methanol) is the dissolver of the binder, if memory serves me right...or was it isopropyl alcohol? Dang...I know I used both for different types of implants. You can look on the MSDS of the products to find out what the binder is and then do a search for the solvent of that specific binder.