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Is anyone familiar with the vet drug Synovex-H. It comes in pill form containing 25mg test prop and 2.5 estraviol denzoate. Have it available for free and was just wondering if it was safe for human use and what estraviol is exactly
as long as u get the pure test prop out of the synovex tabs...its good to go. Use a synovex kit for this and use a conversion kit for the injectable conversion process. Ive never dealt with the synovex dealio, so i cant really say much. estriavol is a estrogen binder i believe to the synovex. The only good thing out of the synovex for us humans is the test prop alone...the fillers and binders are crap...
can it be used in pill form then or would it have to be converted?
If it must be converted, where can i get a conversion kit from
it must be converted, but people do ingest it pill form, but a waste of the stuff not sure where to get the conversion a search in this forum...for MR.T or Dazed
gymphreak said:
it must be converted, but people do ingest it pill form, but a waste of the stuff not sure where to get the conversion a search in this forum...for MR.T or Dazed
( Don't know if he ships to Canada -- might
i dont know. I would think that the estrodiol is just crap added to the synovex. I would just convert the stuff and save the ancillaries for times u really need it...
dazed ships to canada i believe...easto got some of his sol'n before if i remember correctly./..
To tell you the truth -- I have never made prop from Synovex -- always from raw powder

Sorry, can't tell you if that's enough
i have 4 sucessful synovex conversions under my belt. because the steroid racket around here is sketchy to say the least, i have turned to the pasture for my juice. syno and fina are the only cycles i have run for the past two years and i love it. so to answer your questions:

yes it is definitely safe for humans. no i would not take orally A> its a waste B> that is a lot of estradiol and you do not need that shit unless you are a drag queen. estradiol in case you haven't figured it out is our arch nemisis estrogen. if you have any questions , pm me or i'll check this thread from time to time. i'll help in anyway i can, i can do conversions without directions now!! its just time consuming, not hard.