T levels on PSL Test Cypionate

Just to clarify, I did not mean to make any conclusive claims based on my results - they are just a data point that I thought I'd share with the forum.

I do think they show that the product is quite unlikely to be underdosed.
Just to clarify, I did not mean to make any conclusive claims based on my results - they are just a data point that I thought I'd share with the forum.

I do think they show that the product is quite unlikely to be underdosed.

That's one thing I think we can all agree on :)
The fact is, everyone's TT levels on the same dose will vary GREATLY. You'd think you can just throw out a ball park range of where you should be on a certain dose but you really can't. I happen to know (because I get blood work done religiously) that 500mg/week puts me around 3400ng/dL (trough) and 200mg/week puts me around 1100ng/dL (trough). Whereas 500mg would put someone else at 2500ng/dL and 200mg would put someone at 800ng/dL. All depends on ther person. Clearly OP is a great responder.

^^^ agree fully