T3/Alb/Test Quest for Physical Domination


New member
Background: I've been playing competitive sport for the last 14 years and spent a fair amount of time in the gym. Used to play club rugby and weighed in at a hefty 286lbs at one stage. Cleaned up my diet over the last 4 years and am now down to the following stats:

Age: 27
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 201lbs
BF: 22%

Now doing MMA and really want to realise my physical potential (athleticism, not aesthetics) so have decided it's time for an intensive cut. It's just a lot easier to do flying armbars with a flat tummy!

My Diet


2/3 cups rolled oats
2 scoops protein powder
15g natty PB

P/F/C: 59/16/42 561cals


300g chicken breast
125g brown rice
75g baby spinach
1/2 tsp olive oil

P/F/C: 77/9/45 595cals


PB&J Sandwich on Spelt Bread

P/F/C: 16/11/24 274 cals

During Workout

40g malto
2 scoops whey

P/F/C: 48/0/40 398cals


300g chicken breast
125g broccoli
1/2 tsp olive oil
1tbsp 70% reduced fat sour cream

P/F/C: 74/10/2 403 cals

2 scoop casein powder

P/F/C: 40/1/3 180 cals

Total: 2411 cals, 313g protein, 47g fat, 155g carbs


40 mins cardio ED
BJJ & MMA - 1 hour on Wednesday and Saturday, 2 hours on Monday and Thursday

2 day split of heavy compound movements (basically the Power days of Layne Norton's PHAT routine)


T3: Taper up then 75mcg ED from Week 2-14
Albuterol: 16mg ED, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off

test cyp: 250mg pinned every Mon AM and Thurs PM from Week 1-12
Adex: 0.25 mg EOD

clomid: 100/100/50/50, starting 14 days after last pin
Looking into HCG. 500iu everyday for 10 days after last pin?

What do you reckon? Your critique is much welcome.