T3 and S-4 VS. Clomi and Nolva


New member
I have a research rat that is getting close to the human age equivalent of 40 years of age. I have this rat perform muscle building exercises and a bit of cardio. While I have no need for this rat to look like the terminator I have noticed that gains have slowed with age. I have also noticed that even a very tight diet is becoming less and less effective in maintaining a low BF%. I have researched with E+C and Clen cycles. These worked fine for a while but I believe it is time to move onto something with a bit more kick. I'm considering T3 and S-4 or Clomi and Nolva. Please give me you advice on which would be better for maintaining (or increasing) LBM while increasing BMR. Pins are not an option.

Rat is aging and needs a kick to maintain (doesn't need to be huge)
T3 and S-4 VS. Clomi and Nolva
Which is better for maintaining (or gaining) muscle while increasing BMR?