T3 Respsonse to everyone who's PM'ing me


New member
It seems that a lot of you are concerned about losing muscle while taking T3. I don't know anyone who has lost muscle on 25 or 50mcg and I think going higher may put you at risk for muscle loss and other annoying and even dangerous side effects.

What I have seen is this:

If you have an 18" arm at 23% bodyfat and you are taking T3, than yes, it is possible for your arm to go down to 17". This is not muscle loss. This is fat loss! Your arm may measure smaller but it's new defined shape may actually give an appearance of it being larger.

I am also getting Pm's from people who aren't very experienced with training and diet. If you are 19 years old and have only been lifting for a year and want to lose weight than do cardio and eat clean. T3 is not for you! If you have been lifting for years, have your diet in order, doing cardio, and still can't rip up to the point you desire or need for competition, than I believe it is something to look into.
compman said:
It seems that a lot of you are concerned about losing muscle while taking T3. I don't know anyone who has lost muscle on 25 or 50mcg and I think going higher may put you at risk for muscle loss and other annoying and even dangerous side effects.

What I have seen is this:

If you have an 18" arm at 23% bodyfat and you are taking T3, than yes, it is possible for your arm to go down to 17". This is not muscle loss. This is fat loss! Your arm may measure smaller but it's new defined shape may actually give an appearance of it being larger.

I am also getting Pm's from people who aren't very experienced with training and diet. If you are 19 years old and have only been lifting for a year and want to lose weight than do cardio and eat clean. T3 is not for you! If you have been lifting for years, have your diet in order, doing cardio, and still can't rip up to the point you desire or need for competition, than I believe it is something to look into.
how about an old fat powerlifter can i pm you;)