T400 problem or no problem at all


New member
My friend plays linebacker at a local college, he's about 5'10 and probably 240 cycling, and he got me bought on the T400 EQ mix. I figured it worked for him so it should work for me, in theory. So I picked up a ton of T400 and EQ along with lots of clomid and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for myself. Here is my problem, I picked up some T400 and EQ for my friend who also plays college ball, but has never used steroids before. He is a defensive tackle and the strongest person I know, naturally bench presses over 500 pounds. He is about 5'11 and around 300 pounds. He claims to have taken 1cc of each compound for the last three weeks with no results. Is the stuff bunk or is he just impatient.

He is also taking clenbuterol, ephedrine and caffiene pills. Would this even matter?????????????????????????
This is your forth thread on T400 tonight.......WTF ?

You are WAY better off keeping the discussion in one thread.