tad69 / matrix program question ?


New member
tad ,
so since you are trying to increase bench do you want to just do maintinence for all other lifts/body parts like squats /deads ?

also what about tri's & delts ? how do they work in and are only heavy/light chest days twice weekly while ALL else is once ? thanks in advanced bro. , cheers mate !:40oz:
I'm doing it right now and following it to a T.
I do chest/shoulders/tris: When i do heavy bench I just do laterial raises for shoulders and then some kind of tris mostly skull crushers.
On light day I do shoulder press, laterial raises and skull crusher.
I also just do 2 sets of incline press for personal pleasure
Then on tuesday I do 3 sets of squats, 4 sets lat pulldown, 3 sets barbell rows and 3 sets of biceps. I take wed off and then I do it again.

Or you can do:
monday: chest/tris
tuesday: legs/bis
wed: off
thur: chest/shoulders
friday: back
weekends: off
Actually i'm going to switch to that split looks really good.
Yes.The routine was designed to specifically increase your 1RM on the Bp and all other exercises during the cycle are used as assistance exercises. Personally I only do deadlifts every other week while on this cycle.( I actually do standard deadlifts every other year round even when training for a Big 3 meet) I rotate squats with Leg Press also and I do go heavy but I lower my intensity and mentally focus on a big BP while on the program on all exercises.

I do Tris and delts on my BP days while on this routine. Here is a sample:
Monday: Heavy Bp (Per routine)
Light delts: side laterals-3s x 10-12r....Seated db press-3s x8-10r
Heavy Triceps: skull crushers 3s x 6-8r...Close grip BP 3s x 5-7r

Tuesday: Legs: odd weeks: Squats 5 working sets x 8-12 reps
Stiff leg deadlifts: 4s x 10-15r
Seated calf raises: 4s x 15-30r

Even weeks: Leg press: 4-5s x 6-10r
Leg curls: 4-5s x 8-12r
Standing calf raises: 4s x 8-15r

Thursday: Light BP (Per routine)
Heavy Delts: Front press 3s x 5-7r......Upright rows 3s x 6-8r
Light Triceps: Pushdowns 3drop sets start at 15 reps and drop 3 times 20 lbs. each time

Friday: Back: Deadlifts(even weeks) 4s x 6-10r
Front parallel grip pulldowns: 4s x 5-7r
T-bar or Bent Rows: 4s x 5-7r
Heavy shrugs w/trap bar: 4s x 12-30r
Rear lateral raises: 3-4s x 8-12r
Rotator cuff raises: 3s x 10-12r
Biceps: Hammer curls(either with DB or super curl bar: 3s x 6-10r
standing bar curls or dumbbell curls 2-3s x 6-10r

I also do cardio and abs 1-2 times a week.

Hope this helps.
