Yes.The routine was designed to specifically increase your 1RM on the Bp and all other exercises during the cycle are used as assistance exercises. Personally I only do deadlifts every other week while on this cycle.( I actually do standard deadlifts every other year round even when training for a Big 3 meet) I rotate squats with Leg Press also and I do go heavy but I lower my intensity and mentally focus on a big BP while on the program on all exercises.
I do Tris and delts on my BP days while on this routine. Here is a sample:
Monday: Heavy Bp (Per routine)
Light delts: side laterals-3s x 10-12r....Seated db press-3s x8-10r
Heavy Triceps: skull crushers 3s x 6-8r...Close grip BP 3s x 5-7r
Tuesday: Legs: odd weeks: Squats 5 working sets x 8-12 reps
Stiff leg deadlifts: 4s x 10-15r
Seated calf raises: 4s x 15-30r
Even weeks: Leg press: 4-5s x 6-10r
Leg curls: 4-5s x 8-12r
Standing calf raises: 4s x 8-15r
Thursday: Light BP (Per routine)
Heavy Delts: Front press 3s x 5-7r......Upright rows 3s x 6-8r
Light Triceps: Pushdowns 3drop sets start at 15 reps and drop 3 times 20 lbs. each time
Friday: Back: Deadlifts(even weeks) 4s x 6-10r
Front parallel grip pulldowns: 4s x 5-7r
T-bar or Bent Rows: 4s x 5-7r
Heavy shrugs w/trap bar: 4s x 12-30r
Rear lateral raises: 3-4s x 8-12r
Rotator cuff raises: 3s x 10-12r
Biceps: Hammer curls(either with DB or super curl bar: 3s x 6-10r
standing bar curls or dumbbell curls 2-3s x 6-10r
I also do cardio and abs 1-2 times a week.
Hope this helps.