Take the cnadian government anabolic steroid test and see how you do!

most interesting part:

It is not illegal to possess steroids for personal use, but possession for traffiking is illegal.
I love ? number twelve they are using all angles to on why AS are not worth it. Its much cooller than any american gov health site would be, i could picture it with our scare tactics inclined asses, it would be something like this; Question 1 steroid user have uncontrollable fits of rage TRUE increased testosterone levels make AS user want to kill eveyone, Question 2 Steroids will make you die True just look at lyle allsaydo he died
Question 3 steroids will shrink your dick True you will be hung like a light switch after AS use, we have studies to prove it, so girls wont like you studies have proven this

That would be the american version of the 12 question quiz