Taking clomid during a hard time in your life

Update: Im in severe depression... I love life ive never been this down, I've told my family and they're keeping a watchful eye and ill be ok but I'm tripping like you would on weed except during my PCT. Last week my clomid went from 50 mg down to 25. My right eye is a bit blurry from the clomid, I also got very sick this week. I'm a mess.

My test cyp cycle was actually 10 week with hcg and liquidex so I felt 50/50/25/25 for clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolva is plenty but Im not sure if I should increase the 25 mg back to 50? Im reading its probably because my hormones are shot and clomid might be helping. I'm like that football player crying like a b from the longest yard. I'm a mess and its all hormonal. Im usually not good on clomid but this is a nightmare.

Would appreciate any help brosephs. I did blood work pre cycle, 4 weeks in and Im wondering if I should do another and see whats wrong? I started my post cycle on the 9th and plan to end it on the 9th but I dont know right now. Libido is shit, I had erectile issues on cycle and used cialis my libido was amazing until a week into PCT. I have a decent stable of girls but Im too busy sitting down and crying over movies. I went from a confident guy who would laugh so hard (as I imagine you guys are) at someone panicking over a PCT to a mess. Really dont know what to do...praying that I recover as always. Last cycle was deca and test cycle and that PCT was perfect
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Just an update even though Im mostly talking to myself now in this thread. I feel like me again...I'm not crying every 5 minutes and my libido is slowly coming back. I'm telling you my hormones were shot to hell, I was flatlined, I still have 9 days left on PCT but I feel really good. 4 days ago a very attractive girl I hook up with asked to see me for sex and I said no...thats how shut my hormones got.

I gotta be honest with you, Im not sure if I'll cycle again, body building is a huge part of my life that never stops but if I ever do I heard people suggest other drugs outside of clomid. Is there a better PCT protocol than clomid+nolva? The nolva is fine though
Just an update even though Im mostly talking to myself now in this thread. I feel like me again...I'm not crying every 5 minutes and my libido is slowly coming back. I'm telling you my hormones were shot to hell, I was flatlined, I still have 9 days left on PCT but I feel really good. 4 days ago a very attractive girl I hook up with asked to see me for sex and I said no...thats how shut my hormones got.

I gotta be honest with you, Im not sure if I'll cycle again, body building is a huge part of my life that never stops but if I ever do I heard people suggest other drugs outside of clomid. Is there a better PCT protocol than clomid+nolva? The nolva is fine though

Glad to hear your feeling better. Likely the clomid ER agonism + a low T environment was what was making you feel so shitty. Sounds like your T has shot up. Keep in mind clomid has a long half life, so you might be experiencing some moodiness weeks after you drop it. Don't panic though, it will go away :)

Give Torem a shot next time - I've never had to try it but apparently it carries none of the emotional sides that clomid does. Equally as effective though. Nolva + Torem would be my choice if I couldn't handle clomid.

Hope this helps :)
Glad to hear your feeling better. Likely the clomid ER agonism + a low T environment was what was making you feel so shitty. Sounds like your T has shot up. Keep in mind clomid has a long half life, so you might be experiencing some moodiness weeks after you drop it. Don't panic though, it will go away :)

Give Torem a shot next time - I've never had to try it but apparently it carries none of the emotional sides that clomid does. Equally as effective though. Nolva + Torem would be my choice if I couldn't handle clomid.

Hope this helps :)

Thank you,

thats what I heard that torem works without the clomid sides. Honestly my first cycle the clomid was bad but I managed it as I had summer off and was in a good place. My second cycle I was as happy as could be with my life and it made me miserable, I cried a lot then too but I was laughing because I knew the cause. This time around, being in a crappy spot in life it makes everything feel 10 fold worst. I did one cycle every year the last three years and this time, perhaps because I'm older I got shot down hard. However, I feel good now and I agree its not over yet but its nice to feel like a man again and just not care about that stuff because life is too short as opposed to crying hysterically over movies lol
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Thank you,

thats what I heard that torem works without the clomid sides. Honestly my first cycle the clomid was bad but I managed it as I had summer off and was in a good place. My second cycle I was as happy as could be with my life and it made me miserable, I cried a lot then too but I was laughing because I knew the cause. This time around, being in a crappy spot in life it makes everything feel 10 fold worst. I did one cycle every year the last three years and this time, perhaps because I'm older I got shot down hard. However, I feel good now and I agree its not over yet but its nice to feel like a man again and just not care about that stuff because life is too short as opposed to crying hysterically over movies lol

Hahah yeah, I've been there. Not fun at all lol. At one point I was crying more during movies than my girlfriend.. talk about embarrassing haha.

I'd give Torem a shot next time, if I weren't on TRT that'd be my first choice.