taking gear back for mexico


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taking gear back for mexico

Im going to mexico for trip and since im there

plaining to bring some gear back, Is it

possable to bring them back or should I ship it

Bro, I've brought it back before many times. Me and 2 of my freinds. If your big, then just wear some loose fitting clothes. We brought back 10 bottles and 1000 tabs once. Take the gear out of their origional boxes, even the tabs(if they are in bottes) and put them in small seperate bags. Then, take tuck tape, and tape them to your thighs. That's it! Oh yeah, I hope you're a good actor, because if you look nervous, they will ask you to pull to the side. So, just act cool. Also, throw some beach stuff in the back seat like towels, suntan lotion, etc. It makes it look like you really had a purpose of going down there. I just tell them that I came down here for the day to go to the beach and get some good mexican food. They buy it every time!!!:D
Dont drive across, Walk across and you will be fine. You will be suprised how easy it is. Dont worry, if you are getting nevous you have no need to. As long as you walk across you will not have any problems. Are you going to Juarez, tiajuana or where?
then fly to san diego, CA; laredo, TX; or El Paso, Tx. walk across, get your shit then walk back across. that way you only deal with customs once.
well with things the way they are right now on our ORANGE alert things are tight at the airports. I brought gear back from Mexico all you need to do is empty the pill boxes or whatever they are in put them in a prescription bottle or something but be sure the count is pretty close to the same amount don;t put 100 pills of something into a container that say quantity 10 ya know what I am sayin? Oh put em in your checked baggage. Now your gonna have to get creative if you plan on bringing back injectables maybe a B12 bottle or insulin bottle or some sort of container.
I had $400 of gear taped to my thighs and crotch coming through the airport. Out of 20 people in our group I was the only one that got searched. I about shit! If they would have frisked me I would have been fucked! They went through everything, even my dirty clothes. If you look like you lift there is a good change you will get searched coming back from Old Mex.
I've done it many times just play it cool. If you and your friends have time get your gear then go to the bar for the night drink and come back and cross it over. Play it cool its worked for me plenty of times
Ive been searched far too many times at the airport to bring it back on the plane. Sending it back would be ok. Just buy a pair of cheap shoes from payless and stuff the shit in the shoes. If it is packed right it will get back no problem. Just be creative. Good Luck.
If you fly back with it just pack it in a bag with alot of clothes hide it as good as you can, and get a lock to secure the bag. Check the bag in at the front desk because it is less likely you will get searched at the front desk than you would at the security point or at the departure gate
get a big jar of peanut butter and empty it. heat the peanut butter up until it is liquid. put your gear in the peanut butter container, leaving a small layer of peanut butter in the bottom. now, pour your liquid PB over your gear (gear will go in a ziplock bag before going into jar) when this is done let the PB re-solidify and then take a spoon to it so it looks like you just opened it and took some. carry this with you with some apples or celery in case you get the munchies. be eating it while you go through the metal detector so you can just hand it to the person while you go through. this is almost foolproof.
Do not put it in your suitcase! Mexico does not care what you ship out, and they don't check you on the way out. It is coming into America where the problem lies. They might search your suitcase then you are fucked. I think the only safe place is strapped to your crotch. You really have to be suspicious before they go and frisk you.
DO NOT bring celery into the U.S. Especially California. We have fruit fly laws, etc. You'll find yourself getting in trouble for fruit and loose a couple of hundred dollars of gear too.
dude just be careful I wouldn't carry anything on me if I were you put it in a carry on or a checked bag and don't bring too much shipping home isn't a bad idea put some t shirts from mexico in a box and send it like that and give a false hotel room number from a hotel down there.
"I've been told..."
that you can drive across, and stuff your spare tire with "stuff" and towels...then, once you're back on US soil, mail yourself the postcard...
good luck!