Taking stanozolol (winstrol) oral first cycle


New member
Hey all. Im 20 years old and I'm having my show in the middle of october. My weight is 250lb/116kg at the moment and bodyfat is ~15%. Height 195 cm/6ft5. I've never had any drug before . Recently I spoke with my trainer and he says I should take stanozolol ( winstrol) oral cycle to build some muscle while cutting, of course with proper PCT . My question is can there be any side effects because of starting to take gear on that age? What about natural testosterone , would it back to normal in some time ?
You are anabolic as fuck at 20, no need for any AAS. If you are looking to cut, calorie deficit diet and maybe some T3. Wait until you are 25, and never take an oral only cycle. Always add test when possible, winny isn't that awesome if you just looking for lean gains, I'd recommend tren ace with lower test e/c to see how you tolerate it. That's after your first test only cycle at age 25, of course.
There's plenty of common sense reasons, and plenty scientifically backed ones, why you should never do any cycle at your age. Let alone, a damn oral only cycle (which is a big NO NO.)

Of course, you would've found this out on your own if you spent some damn time researching yourself. Good luck.