Taking steroids at 18 years old

100g of carbs and 100g of fat.. unfortunately its really hard to eat healthy since our cafeteria only offers deep fried food and shit although i get grilled chicken once a day. when i go home for the summer i want run a 20/30/20 do you think that is a good idea or what would you reccomend?

You're not even close to 3000kcal; 150g pro, 100g carb/fat is 1900kcal. You need to check your diet WAY before you look into gear.
Do you guys think that one 10-12 week cycle would shut down natural test and stop me from growing. I know estrogen can lock growth plates in place and stop them from growing, however if i control Estrogen with an AI will i not experience that. Also will one cycle not cause many problems down the road especially if my pct is 150 mgs of clomid for 2 weeks than 3 weeks of 100mgs? Thanks to all you guys.. really appreciate the response

Dont fool yourself brother, one cycle could shut you down permanently. That's something you need to realize before you start introducing drugs like anabolic steroids into your system.. most of the guys on here offer good healthy advice but always do your own research as well. In the end it's up to you what you do with your body. At 18 how do you know you want to be a pro body builder and commit to the needle for life basically? What if the girl you end up with in college doesn't approve? What if you change your mind? Another thing I will mention that I did not see in the previous replies is aas use at your age comes with an increased risk of developing mental illness due to your brains development you're basically still in puberty. You dont want to pick up schysophrenia like traits or bi polar disorder over a cycle do you? A lot of things to think about.
Dont fool yourself brother, one cycle could shut you down permanently. That's something you need to realize before you start introducing drugs like anabolic steroids into your system.. most of the guys on here offer good healthy advice but always do your own research as well. In the end it's up to you what you do with your body. At 18 how do you know you want to be a pro body builder and commit to the needle for life basically? What if the girl you end up with in college doesn't approve? What if you change your mind? Another thing I will mention that I did not see in the previous replies is aas use at your age comes with an increased risk of developing mental illness due to your brains development you're basically still in puberty. You dont want to pick up schysophrenia like traits or bi polar disorder over a cycle do you? A lot of things to think about.

Very solid advice. What always gets me is how everyone think they are old enough to make decisions that will span longer then they've lived so far.
I'm 33 and I've been thinking and philosophizing about trt and if I could handle the trade off myself, this would be a conscious decision and something I'd choose, not being forced too.
I honestly cant decide, maybe after I'm done having children i'll go on trt and have the occasional blast but its such a huge decision I just can't make it. 4 injections per week totals up to 208 per year. Thats 2080 injections over a decade and hopefully I have a few decades left to live...
Very solid advice. What always gets me is how everyone think they are old enough to make decisions that will span longer then they've lived so far.
I'm 33 and I've been thinking and philosophizing about trt and if I could handle the trade off myself, this would be a conscious decision and something I'd choose, not being forced too.
I honestly cant decide, maybe after I'm done having children i'll go on trt and have the occasional blast but its such a huge decision I just can't make it. 4 injections per week totals up to 208 per year. Thats 2080 injections over a decade and hopefully I have a few decades left to live...

B&C......fuck recovery :) Never seen anyone recover to what they were before, after a few really high dose cycles. It's cruel what we do to our bodies. I was 600 at age 40.....but I want to make up for lost time, so I'm on cycle half the year and low dose trt the other half. I'm old as fuck and still have no idea if I've made the right choice. I have 5 kids so I'm done with that aspect of it. But how long will this needle marriage last before I want a divorce? No fucking clue. Glad I waited though. Had I made this decision 20 years ago I wouldve removed some options from my life.
I'm gonna go cry now
But how long will this needle marriage last before I want a divorce? No fucking clue. Glad I waited though. Had I made this decision 20 years ago I wouldve removed some options from my life.

This is exactly what gets me... Nothing good ever lasts forever and this is a decision for life (Its hard to grasp how long that is)... At the same time, once im in my mid 40's, I sorta feel (at least for the time being...), what does it matter ? I'd rather be the best I can be and burn out, rather then fade away.

After some puff puff pass session, I've come to this conclusion...
There really isn't anything different from anything else I do to make myself feel better. The only qualms being needles is bit silly in the bigger picture.
With that said, I would definitely have to get a legit prescription.
I dont wanna feel or be treated like a criminal, I want the convenience of simply going to the pharmacy and picking up whatever I need, when I need it, being able to travel freely etc.
I also think the general social acceptance would go up ten fold if i could say it was prescribed rather then self medicated.
All that stuff makes a ton of difference when its for life.
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B&C......fuck recovery :) Never seen anyone recover to what they were before, after a few really high dose cycles. It's cruel what we do to our bodies. I was 600 at age 40.....but I want to make up for lost time, so I'm on cycle half the year and low dose trt the other half. I'm old as fuck and still have no idea if I've made the right choice. I have 5 kids so I'm done with that aspect of it. But how long will this needle marriage last before I want a divorce? No fucking clue. Glad I waited though. Had I made this decision 20 years ago I wouldve removed some options from my life.
I'm gonna go cry now

F-ing brilliant mate, pretty well sums it up. To me it comes down mainly to a decision about staying fertile for kids. Sure there are other issues around sourcing it, or what happens if for some reason you can't anymore, but that can always be fixed by money.