Taking steroids at 18 years old

what if i am willing to be on trt for the rest of my life? however long that will be.. since i am willing to pay the ultimate price to be an IFBB pro if i have to

It isn't gear, it's genetics.

At that level they are gifted. God, genetics, luck, fate . . . Whatever you want to call it.

I dominated martial arts as a younger person. I was a fresh boxer having done Tae Kwon Do (very little punchimg amd none to the head) all my life and was sticking it to guys with years of boxing. I was good enough to frustrate a guy who was 2nd in the nation and he went off full speed on me. I was undefeated except a no contest due to a dislocated shoulder from an injury in the military. I came home on leave from the military, trained for 2 weeks and won a regional kickboxing tournament. It's just something I excelled at and had plans to do after the military. UFC!!! UFC!!!! Roadside bomb and epilepsy changed that. No steroid or "perfomance enhancer" could make a guy into me and I might never have been on George St Pierre or Anderson Silvas level. Regardless of steroids. I might have been a perpetual top 10 guy who wasmt anything more than a measuring stick for future champs.

No cycle will make you a pro body builder. You could actually lower your chances.

If you can't find a way to eat healthy you won't find a way to be a pro body builder.
It isn't gear, it's genetics.

At that level they are gifted. God, genetics, luck, fate . . . Whatever you want to call it.

I dominated martial arts as a younger person. I was a fresh boxer having done Tae Kwon Do (very little punchimg amd none to the head) all my life and was sticking it to guys with years of boxing. I was good enough to frustrate a guy who was 2nd in the nation and he went off full speed on me. I was undefeated except a no contest due to a dislocated shoulder from an injury in the military. I came home on leave from the military, trained for 2 weeks and won a regional kickboxing tournament. It's just something I excelled at and had plans to do after the military. UFC!!! UFC!!!! Roadside bomb and epilepsy changed that. No steroid or "perfomance enhancer" could make a guy into me and I might never have been on George St Pierre or Anderson Silvas level. Regardless of steroids. I might have been a perpetual top 10 guy who wasmt anything more than a measuring stick for future champs.

No cycle will make you a pro body builder. You could actually lower your chances.

If you can't find a way to eat healthy you won't find a way to be a pro body builder.

Idk i think my genetics are decent because everyone always tells me im jacked and although i dont consider myself big at all.. i still look alot better than most kids my age that go to the gym regularly
At 18 years old you have no concept of the costs you might have to pay - from not being able to have kids to having a dick that doesn't work, to a whole host of heath problems like liver, kidney, heart, etc. None of those issues would even register on you because you haven't had that life experience, and your brain is not wired to think about long term consequences. Long term for you is 3 months, for us old guys it is decades.

And, don't dismiss the comment I made on genetics. You could become huge and look like shit if you don't have that particular god's gift. You could become like the masses of also rans, cannon fodder in the competitions.

If IFBB pro is really your goal you will get farther and do better if you build up a solid natural base into your late 20's, then go the PED route.

To be honest it seems like it would be worth it to be so much more jacked than everyone else at 19 or 20
That's because your brain is still developing and your risk/benefit decision making is off. Teens and young adults make very high risk/low benefit decisions constantly. Say what you want but brain scans, studies using the scientific method and the experience of all of us older than you say so.

I can look back and see I obviously was making bad decisions and wasn't truly weighting long term risk in my short term gain.

"Well a couple dudes keep saying I looked jacked so I'll risk height for muscles" . . . . . Lee Priest never won a Sandow if I'm correct.

Married to a rig for life seems ok to be jacked? That is exactly the type of immature decision making a pubescent/immature brain would make.

That makes the point of your brain not being developed. Do what ya do. Diet is more important than gear and if you dont know that you don't know nothing. Diet>training>Gear.

When you're HPTA system is screwed up click my signature. You will need CBC, Lipids, endo, physical and some other labs as well as a physical. Or depend on UGL for the rest of yoir life.
That's because your brain is still developing and your risk/benefit decision making is off. Teens and young adults make very high risk/low benefit decisions constantly. Say what you want but brain scans, studies using the scientific method and the experience of all of us older than you say so.

I can look back and see I obviously was making bad decisions and wasn't truly weighting long term risk in my short term gain.

"Well a couple dudes keep saying I looked jacked so I'll risk height for muscles" . . . . . Lee Priest never won a Sandow if I'm correct.

Married to a rig for life seems ok to be jacked? That is exactly the type of immature decision making a pubescent/immature brain would make.

That makes the point of your brain not being developed. Do what ya do. Diet is more important than gear and if you dont know that you don't know nothing. Diet>training>Gear.

When you're HPTA system is screwed up click my signature. You will need CBC, Lipids, endo, physical and some other labs as well as a physical. Or depend on UGL for the rest of yoir life.

To be fair lee priest was alot shorter than 5'11.. and also rich piana said that taking large doses of hcg will kickstart your testosterone production again no matter what.. I**************no asking for sources whatsoever*******?
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HCG doesn't kickstart your test it mimics LH.

Did you miss his autopsy? I give him credit for being honest. Liked him in Generation Iron. Personally I'd rather not burn out. I'd rather fade away. He isn't really a source to be referenced.


I can't give you source advice. I just cant. My advice is don't do it. If you search these forums you will find people who have posyed their regrets from starting to early.
I will give the advice if you get it, get it ALL. Gear, AI, PCT. Get everything needed before starting. Don't start without it all.

The gym dude is a drug dealer. I love drug dealers in a way (not crack/heroin/meth) but they are black market and availability is not dependable. Do you want to hear there is no estrogen control available when you're growing tits? You're 5 weeks in and he is just "sorry bro ain't got none.". . . . . .
Yo man thanks for the advice and shit.. after all the stuff you said i will force myself to wait until atleast 21 but preferably 25. Anyways how jacked do you think i can get naturally I have trained for about a year and I am 5'11 185 with 11% bf. Do you think I will be at my genetic max by 21? Thanks Bro appreciate all the advice.
That's because your brain is still developing and your risk/benefit decision making is off. Teens and young adults make very high risk/low benefit decisions constantly. Say what you want but brain scans, studies using the scientific method and the experience of all of us older than you say so.

I can look back and see I obviously was making bad decisions and wasn't truly weighting long term risk in my short term gain.

"Well a couple dudes keep saying I looked jacked so I'll risk height for muscles" . . . . . Lee Priest never won a Sandow if I'm correct.

Married to a rig for life seems ok to be jacked? That is exactly the type of immature decision making a pubescent/immature brain would make.

That makes the point of your brain not being developed. Do what ya do. Diet is more important than gear and if you dont know that you don't know nothing. Diet>training>Gear.

When you're HPTA system is screwed up click my signature. You will need CBC, Lipids, endo, physical and some other labs as well as a physical. Or depend on UGL for the rest of yoir life.

I just had to bump this. Couldn't have worded it better myself.
Yo man thanks for the advice and shit.. after all the stuff you said i will force myself to wait until atleast 21 but preferably 25. Anyways how jacked do you think i can get naturally I have trained for about a year and I am 5'11 185 with 11% bf. Do you think I will be at my genetic max by 21? Thanks Bro appreciate all the advice.

Hey I'm not expert at natural gains or training, but I read an article once that said first year something like 10-12 lbs muscle gains, second year 5 ish, third year 3, fourth 2, fifth 1, sixth 1 and so on.

So probably five or six years of perfect diet and training to hit your genetic max. If you have the discipline to achieve that you will be in the very tiny percentage of people alive who can - but you'd set yourself up for maximum gains once you do add in AAS.
Start when you're 25 or 26......when you're bigger and leaner. You are young enough to keep growing with food and hard work. You said it yourself "most kids my age". That's right bro.....you called yourself a kid. You know you're too young for this. You're just like so many of us that had arnold posters on our walls and watched pumping iron while we worked our asses off in basement home gyms. Difference is, back then we thought there might be a chance of getting his size without hormone supplements. Yes!!!......it is a fact that if you are gonna be the biggest man on stage you are gonna need hormones to do it. But you have those hormones naturally for now and should use them until you get close to your natural limit. If you have the genetics for this road you want to travel, then you aren't anywhere near as big as you can get. Steroids will hinder your progress dramatically in my opinion. Your diet and workout routine are shit if you aren't still growing. Fix your diet.....your workout.....and revisit this later. If you wait this will be so glad you did.

Being a big natural guy at 25 says something about a man. It says he can make his physique a priority, he can nail his diet, he can workout through illness and injury and a life that's been busy as hell, he knows that 3 days a week in the gym ain't gonna cut it, he knows that 3 meals a day ain't shit, he knows that working through barriers is the only way to be a champion, he knows that waiting until he was a natural beast was the best decision he has ever made. He has placed well on stage already without steroids and has all the tools to maximize what steroids can do for him.

Wait until you are that man......then pick a path. Good luck young bro. Please make the right choice. And then post back here in 12 years when you are a stage crushing beast.
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Somehow I missed this, or would have posted sooner.

At 18, you still have around 7 Years to take advantage of your Natty Test.
It hasn't even Peaked yet.
So this would be the 1st Mistake, not to take advantage of this.

Then you said, you can't eat properly at the Cafeteria ~ Mistake #2.
Steroids can't build Muscle, if they don't have the Fuel.
Don't care how much you are doing.

Mistake #3 ~ thinking you can be a Pro Bodybuilder, without at least 10 Years of Serious Training.
Even the Genetically Gifted BB-ers, had to put in the time.

Do yourself and your Body a Very Big Favor.
Cool your Jets, take a Step back.
Take the Next 2 Years, and get your Diet and Training in order.
If you don't put on at least 20 Clean Lbs of Muscle ~ Not Bloated Fat.
You'll never make it................................. JP
I was like you at 18 ~ difference being, I was already an AAU Competitive Powerlifter in the Junior Division.
And I had a Coach, an Awesome Training Regiment, and a Great Diet.
Still didn't really fill-out till I hit my 20's.
And my Coach kept me Natty till I was 25.

Now I just turned 65, and I still Cycle,(No TRT) and I'm Healthy.
Though the Joints have taken a Beating.
I didnt know what I was getting into when i was 20 and started juicing, I was like you, didnt give a f*ck and did what I wanted. If i had waiting until I was 25 and gotten every ounce of virgin gains I'd be a hell of a lot bigger.
You would be very wise to listen to everyone here who cares enough about you to advise you not to do it at your age. I ran my first cycle at 19 and not a day goes by that I don't wish I would've waited and done it proper. It lead into all sorts of psychological problems in my mid 20's, depression, anxiety, etc. I'm now on TRT and I'm only 32. Having shot my natural production before I even reached 30 is not something I am proud of and frankly it's embarrassing. I have to live with my choices and mistakes but you can learn from mine and many others by waiting until you are in your 20's. 25 AT MINIMUM. You have so much more room to grown naturally at your age and will for several years. Take advantage of it. You have high aspirations so don't cheat yourself by fucking your body up so young. We care bro, that's why we take the time to give advice. Cheers;
You would be very wise to listen to everyone here who cares enough about you to advise you not to do it at your age. I ran my first cycle at 19 and not a day goes by that I don't wish I would've waited and done it proper. It lead into all sorts of psychological problems in my mid 20's, depression, anxiety, etc. I'm now on TRT and I'm only 32. Having shot my natural production before I even reached 30 is not something I am proud of and frankly it's embarrassing. I have to live with my choices and mistakes but you can learn from mine and many others by waiting until you are in your 20's. 25 AT MINIMUM. You have so much more room to grown naturally at your age and will for several years. Take advantage of it. You have high aspirations so don't cheat yourself by fucking your body up so young. We care bro, that's why we take the time to give advice. Cheers;

Thank you for sharing this
To be fair lee priest was alot shorter than 5'11.. and also rich piana said that taking large doses of hcg will kickstart your testosterone production again no matter what.. I**************no asking for sources whatsoever*******?
so when are you starting yor cycle?
I started running gear when I was 18, was on trt by 21. I'm 27 now, honestly I don't regret my decision at all to start cycling so young but I do wish I had the knowledge I have on AAS now back then, that's for damn sure. I would of kept a lot more of the gains I had made. Not everyone who chooses to start as early as I did is so lucky though, a lot of people end up with health problems that thankfully I don't have, yet.. Everyone's body reacts differently. Regardless of the advice bein given to you on here by others though you are going to do whatever you choose anyway, so all I can say is for you and your health (and gains!) sake, reasearch the shit out of AAS before you start anything, and take everything you read or especially hear from others at the gym with a grains of salt.. And always read info from more than one source, cross examine your findings, get second opinions.. In my my personal opinion out of all the forums I am part of this is by far the best one, and has been my go to for the past 6 years, it won't let you down my friend. So read up and good luck on your first cycle if that's what you choose to end up doing