It's not necessarily that. When I wrote, I just asked how long it took for my test levels to return to normal after I stopped taking the peaks. I did get one straight answer about whinny and anavar won't effect total t levels. But I'm wondering if it'll effect anything else. When I went in today for my 7 week follow up, my t went up to 500, free t 12.8, sbh 16 and estradiol went up more than 6 times its level before up to around 70. He is starting me on anastrozole. He already called it into my pharmacy. So I'm not really worried about the winstrol and anavar driving up those numbers, especially at such low dosages. And yes, I am aware that 20mg / day of anavar is BELOW what is recommended. And I know 50mg / day is on the low side for oral winstrol. But when combining them in combination with 170mg/week, the drugs will have a combined effect. I would agree with you guys, if I was taking them each alone by themselves.