Taking T3, can I expect any gains being that I'm also on AAS???

Chicago Made

New member
Knowing that T3 is catabolic, should I expect any gains while on it even though I'm taking 600mg test cyp/wk, 400mg tren e/wk???

Also, I'd much rather weight train then do cardio, will I still see the same results from the T3 (fat-loss) if I weight train more than do cardio???

Thanks for any feedback guys!
Sorry to say I have no direct experience, but I have read from several reputable sources that a low does of T3 is very beneficial while on cycle.
Well what exactly are you trying to do? You're asking if you will still lose weight with less cardio and if you will still gain muscle while on t3...So you're recomping? I would still keep your cardio going. Cardio 3-4x week, t3 @ 25-45mcg/day, test/tren, with a clean diet should be a wicked recomp.
I'm trying to lose weight but spare muscle. I've read a lot of horror stories of people jumping on T3 and losing a lot of muscle (as well as fat) so I added some AAS to my T3 to counteract the muscle loss. So I'm hoping i'll just lose the gut...
With that dose of test and tren you can def make lean gains while running t3. As stated above though it is dependant on your diet, the amount of cardio you are doing and the dose of t3 you are taking. I also recommend not going over 50mcg per day.
With that dose of test and tren you can def make lean gains while running t3. As stated above though it is dependant on your diet, the amount of cardio you are doing and the dose of t3 you are taking. I also recommend not going over 50mcg per day.

You wouldnt go over 50mcg? I'm diamonding it and it calls for 75mcg for a week and 100mcg for 2 weeks... Just curious as to why you wouldnt go over 50mcg
You wouldnt go over 50mcg? I'm diamonding it and it calls for 75mcg for a week and 100mcg for 2 weeks... Just curious as to why you wouldnt go over 50mcg

The more t3 you take the higher the chances of losing muscle. If it's your first time using t3 I wouldn't ramp up to 100mcg to find out thats when you start noticeably losing muscle. I would keep it ~50mcg (or less) to accelerate fast loss. If you're not losing fat with 400mg/week of tren and 50mcg/day of t3 than your diet and training is shit...