Tamoxifen citrate increases expression of progesterone receptor.

In the cancer subjects that upregulation of PGR occurs, 100% see down regulation after 4 weeks of Nolva in the following study. So this may be a basis to start your Nolva 3-4 weeks BEFORE using Tren.

Cancer Res. 1981 May;41(5):1984-8.

Effects of tamoxifen on estrogen and progesterone receptors in human breast cancer.

Waseda N, Kato Y, Imura H, Kurata M.


Twenty patients with primary breast cancer were treated with tamoxifen (10 mg p.o. twice a day) for 1 to 4 weeks. Before and after the tamoxifen administration, tumor specimens were obtained and assayed for estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors (PGR). Total cytosol estrogen receptor (ERC) and occupied nuclear estrogen receptor (ERN) were measured by hydroxylapatite assay, and unoccupied PGR was measured by the dextran-coated charcoal assay. ERC, ERN, and PGR were detectable in 11, 8, and 6 tumors, respectively, before tamoxifen administration. After tamoxifen treatment, ERC decreased in 10 of 11 ERC-positive tumors. Occupied ERN increased in three of five ERN-positive tumors treated with tamoxifen for a short period (1 to 2 weeks), but they decreased in all of three ERN-positive tumors after longer administration (3 to 4 weeks). PGR increased in three of five ERN-positive tumors after short-term tamoxifen treatment, but they decreased in all of three tumors treated by the drug for a longer period. Increased PGR responses were accompanied by an increase of ERN in two of three ERN-positive tumors. These results suggest that tamoxifen interacts with the estrogen receptor system in human breast cancer tissue and may be estrogenic during short treatment, while longer treatment results in an antiestrogenic response.

PMID:7214366 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
this is how i originally developed gyno.. i was a member of a forum at the time where everyone thought Nolva was a cure all. They kept acting like if i was running it, my story couldnt be right. So i kept upping the dose and my gyno got worse with every step.. i went outside the forum and did more research and found this out. to this day i still flare up even off cycle. on cycle is a definite..
If you're on a 12 week Test Enanthate cycle, using Nolva would be fine right?

It can only cause gyno if you use other things alongside the test, like tren or deca right?
when u use the AI. it just delay the natural aromatization process(turning test to estrogen) in ur body till it isnot used any more,ur body began the aromatization process after discontinue of the AI. but with agreater one cause AI. makes test level in ur body gets high.so u use the nolvadex(note nolve is already an estrogen so it may make aromatization with worse results than not using it) as u think that it is the pct while it is just to can help ur body againit the great aromatization bad results(like gyno)..the real pct is the hcg,and it may be not sure enough it will make u produce natural test again (may b not as befor using steroids but still will raise it again after the supress of steroids when u were using it)in my thoughts aromatization is going to happen in any way..doctors are amust in steroids cycle .he only can give u right directions for using steroids from ur own blood test which is also amust,he know better medications while we know better training methods
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