Tattoo'd Injection Site - Any Problem There?


New member
I was just curious if having a tattooed injection site would make any difference in pinning? Most of my left thigh is tattooed but it's been over ~9 months since I get em inked so they're fully healed. Injected yesterday with no complications, but I was wondering if anybody here had a bad experience with such?
If you got an infection and had to be cut open, that wouldn't be good for the tattoo. But as far as problems, I'll let someone answer as I don't think there should be a problem but I'm no expert.
Tattoo ink is concentrated just underneath the epithelial-dermal junction after 2-3 months of healing. We inject into the muscle and hopefully avoid the subcutaneous layer ( oil will still work however). You are fine, I would be more concerned over injecting into a hair follicle or using improper techniques. Follow proper sanitation steps and utilize infection control practices so you can avoid any issues. Hope I helped
Tattoo ink is concentrated just underneath the epithelial-dermal junction after 2-3 months of healing. We inject into the muscle and hopefully avoid the subcutaneous layer ( oil will still work however). You are fine, I would be more concerned over injecting into a hair follicle or using improper techniques. Follow proper sanitation steps and utilize infection control practices so you can avoid any issues. Hope I helped
that's awesome information, thank you. I follow proper sanitixation steps every time if anything I sterile everything too much, wipe the jar like 3 times, sanitize my hands, pretty much my whole leg lol