Tb 500 as a bridge + injury recovery


Junior Bodybuilder
I'm thinking of doing 6 weeks of tb500 to help heal up a nagging elbow injury I've had, aswell as possibly helping all my creaky joints. I just finished up a 12 week test e cycle with hcg and aromasin, and am waiting for esters to clear to begin my clomid/nolva. I was thinking of 2mg a week, and seeing how it went before considering a maintaince dose after the 6 weeks.

Any comments or thoughts feel free to let me know. I'm curious for some more input on personal experience with tb500.
This is my personal experience with TB500. It dramatically aided in the healing of a few nagging injuries. You can look through my old posts...torn tricep, torn quad, all mild to moderate injuries. I didn't do a log (like I should've) but, 5mgs a week for a month--followed by 2mgs for another month and I was powerlifting again. It wasn't miraculous, but damn close.

As far as using it for a bridge--I don't think you will get anything close to AAS-like benefits.
This is my personal experience with TB500. It dramatically aided in the healing of a few nagging injuries. You can look through my old posts...torn tricep, torn quad, all mild to moderate injuries. I didn't do a log (like I should've) but, 5mgs a week for a month--followed by 2mgs for another month and I was powerlifting again. It wasn't miraculous, but damn close.

As far as using it for a bridge--I don't think you will get anything close to AAS-like benefits.

Bridge is not my main priority. This elbow has been bothering me and i would love to try to heal it up.
I've recovering from some pretty devastating right lower leg fractures and a surgically incised right patellar tendon. I would consider this but it seems way too expensive from what appeared to be the manufacturer. After doing some additional research I'm finding more sources that seem to vary drastically in price. What's up with that?
From my research, TB500 seems to be the best route for injuries. As far as effectiveness combined with not too expensive and easily obtainable.

I say go for it and keep us posted! I'm not sure the dosing of TB500 but I've only heard good things.
I personally like tb500. I had a shoulder injury on my first cycle. I took 4mg a week for a month. After the month I was gtg. I always have some on hand and I'm curently on a Maintenance of 2mg every two weeks to help with tendinitis and other nagging injures. I would encourage u to give it a try.
Well I'm not quite ready to PM folks (only at 32 posts) but I'd love to know what the differences may be between suppliers, quality, price, etc. I'll take all the help I can get as long as I can still pay the rent... *sorry if this statement breaks any rules. I really just want to understand why there is such a huge difference in pricing from one distributor to the next.
My guess is reputation. It seems like board sponsors are the most expensive but with reason. Their product is probably top of the line. Some of the cheaper ones are maybe coming back from company issue or just starting fresh. You'll never know 100% quality testing unless you do it yourself, and I have no clue if that's possible other than shoot it up and wait to find out.

Just try to find a third party website that hosts comments and reviews for all websites (or peptides/AAS) and see how each compare.
Update. About to start week 2 tomorrow. Haven't noticed a huge difference, but the pain isn't as sharp on push days. Feels like its healing, by that I mean with my normal weights my elbow isn't hurting after the last heavy set. I have a good feeling so far. Keep in mind I'm only doing 2mg a week.
Update. I'm 2.5 week in at this point I believe. Elbow feels great. Not 100 percent but what a difference 2 weeks made. I can workout without that annoying pain cutting my sets short. My back is also feeling a little less sore and painful everyday. I herniated my l5 back in February, rehabbed and got back in the gym in June. Still have some residual stiffness and occasional pain from sitting too long.

Tb500 is looking better and better every day.
I tried tb500 for my shoulder pains and after a month of 5mg a week... totally gone.. stuff is amazing... i got mine from gwp when they were a board sponsor.. also tried some from labpe.. both were the best for the price.. have yet to try RUI.. the price just seems a lil high especially when your doing a bottle a week.. But i'm going to have to run another cycle.. after this first cycle dunno if it's the letro or not but my shoulders and elbows are in pain... it's not the muscles thou more like joint pain.. is yours similar??
Dudes I keep vials of TB500 on stand by in the freezer. I swear by the stuff & would never be without it. Ive tried it Sub Q, IM, high doses, low doses. It fixed my shoulder, it even fixed my wifes torn rib cartilage. So now when ever I get a niggling injury, I try and Sub Q it in the vicinity of the problem and within 15 minutes Im painless. Im recommending 5mg reconstituted with .3ml of bac water, injected Sub local to injury. Ive had quicker and more effective results this way. My wife can testify to that too. For more hard core injuries 5ml / .3ml bac water 2 to 3 times a week until injury gets better, then once a week to completely healed.
So how much are you pinning? 5mg or 2mg in one shot per week for 2 months? RUI sells 2mg. Need to pin both shoulders..Do you pin right on the acromiom? i feel safer on the delt (side)

Post workout? because i cant lift because it hurts.. i do cardio instead
5mg and I get my wife to carefully pin it just under my Acronium in the fleshy part of my upper most upper arm and usually before bed but also just when ever it starts throbbing like a mofo. yeah stick to cardio
My bro right now in in my 3 weeks of tb500, a lot of pain in my knee and elbow and shoulder and i feel great right now i feel 80% better im running 2mgs twice a week for 5 weeks than 2 mgs every month for mantener, and also take some oxa B12