TB 500 for Shoulder Injury


A few years ago I had an accident bounding out of a reverse skill in a tumbling pass at gymnastics practice and basically contorted my body and its appendages into a "U". This hyper extended my right shoulder very badly, and the poor guy has been messed up ever since. To get a good idea, I can flat press 120 lbs. dumbbells for a good 8-10x reps, but if I try flat barbell press I'm stuck around the 145-175 lbs. range because only my right shoulder will simply give out, with the left still going strong. Because of this I avoid flat barbell press or shoulder press w/out the aid of a smith machine fearing I will hurt my shoulder again. I do both my dumbbell and barbell presses with a wide grip. Regardless of the reason, the shoulder hurts and has significantly lower flexibility compared to my left. I was thinking of trying out TB 500 from our good friends at RUI for research purposes. I've seen Jimi's thread on here about his shoulder injury and carpal tunnel and how TB 500 helped him during his research, but I was wondering if that was only because it was a recent injury. I'm unsure if there's much that can be done about mine since some time has passed since the accident happened. I'm also not on cycle and have decided to delay my next cycle until I can reach 205 lbs. naturally. I'm 194 lbs. now. I say this because I assume the peptide has greater effectiveness, or its effects are more noticeable, while on cycle, and also I am interested in utilizing peptides during this time period such as IGF-1 to log its mechanisms on recovery for research purposes. I could not find much of any info besides Jimi's thread online. If anyone has any insight on this matter I'd be much appreciated.
I would post this in the research chemicals part of the forum as well. I think most of the people on this part of the forum are more in tune with the AAS's. I think most people on this forum will tell you not to even try to push yourself in fear of injuring your shoulder even more. But i think what you are getting at is that this specific peptide has some regenerative properties. I just simply dont know though.
That's true. I guess it didn't occur to me the area I was posting it in. Honestly, I've never explored other parts of the site before lol.
One way to heal certain injuries and better protect against them in the future is to make the muscles in that area stronger. I don't know the exact extent of your injuries but many times we're better off starting light but lifting heavier and heavier to get stronger and stronger. A muscle is meant to move joints and limbs and a stronger muscle will better protect the joint and limb than a weaker muscle. Just food for thought since I don't know much about TB500 lol