TB4 (TB500) Log


New member
TB4 Log.

Lab Rat 42, history of acute shoulder pain in both left and right.
Left Shoulder Pain Severity, 8/10.
Limited range of motion in left shoulder between 250 to 360 degrees (posterior). Difficulty lifting left arm above head level & extending arm at right angle. Difficulty doing pushup.
Full range of motion in right shoulder with pain presented again between the 250 to 360 degree extension (posterior). Right shoulder Pain 5/10.
Lab Rat favours sleeping on side, has trouble sleeping long periods due to discomfort.
Severe grinding in both shoulders mostly in posterior extension.
Occasional tennis elbow, occasional shooting (nervy) pain down left arm. However no obvious swelling in shoulders presented, maintains a strong grip.
Often neck, mid to lower back pain 4/10.
Tendenitis in right heal, Achilles tendon.
Very Minor Groin strain.
Slight knee discomfort, left knee, due to knee reconstruction 16 years ago and revision 2 years ago.

Here we Go.

Monday 8th July. Started 2mg course, Sub Q injection abdomen in the evening before bed.

Tuesday 9th July. No difference to injuries noticed.

Wednesday 10th July. No difference to injuries noticed.
Wednesday 10th July. 2mg Muscle injection into left arm in the evening before bed.

Thursday 11th. No obvious difference to injuries noticed.
Activity - Lab Rat had a 2 hours surf. Limited paddling to try to minimise negative outcomes from activity.
Symptoms Noted: Lab Rat noted symptoms of slight blurred vision, kind of like Lab rats tears were thicker or water was in the eye.

Friday 12th. Morning
Large improvement with sleep, much less pain during the night.
Left shoulder mobility between 250 to 360 degrees (posterior) moderate improvement in pain and mobility. Can lift jar above head without too much difficulty, prior to today this was an effort.
Left shoulder pain severity reduced to 6/10.
Right shoulder pain reduced to 4/10.
Friday 12th.
2mg Muscle injection into left arm in the evening before bed.

I dont know if it makes any difference but I decided to inject into muscle because of 2 reasons. 1. Im unsure of the conditions around having an empty stomach or not when administering this peptide. Ive been eating all day and had a large dinner so was thinking better in the muscle of the arm that feels worse in case carbs + fats or other dull this peptides effect. Its not a great theory nor researched but I am an amateur so there you go and 2. Was hoping for more impact from injecting into the site of the lab rats more severe ailment.

will update tomorrow.
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Hey Jimi. I cant PM you. I dont know why but I get an administrative error when trying to reply saying I may be restricted from PMing or I may be trying to use someone elses user name and pw. Anyway I just thought I should let you know that Im not ignoring your PM. cheers
Saturday 13th
Another good nights sleep. Shoulder felt good again this morning definite improvement since Monday but pretty much stable since Friday as far as pain and mobility goes.
I got a bit cocky and surfed twice today. Shoulder felt good, surfed well for 1 hour before the cold got the better of me. However 2 surfs was an oversight. Should have stuck with 1. Rotator cuff took a bit of a hit, not looking forward to sleep tonight but the important fact here is I felt confident enough in my pain to have 2 surfs even though the surf was totally $#^% too. In reality I think I should completely stop any form of activity thats going to involve heavy load on the shoulders until Im at least 80 % recovered. I'll think on that ;)
Hey Jimi. I cant PM you. I dont know why but I get an administrative error when trying to reply saying I may be restricted from PMing or I may be trying to use someone elses user name and pw. Anyway I just thought I should let you know that Im not ignoring your PM. cheers

Thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it.
I will def be following along here. Thanks for the update already.
Thymosin Beta 4, TB4, TB500 Log

Sunday had another 2mg. As far as results go its pretty stable, maybe a slight improvement (5%) in movement and pain whilst moving. But as I said I should be trying minimise my "workload" rather than continuing with usual activity routine as I continue to have difficulty sleeping.

Tuesday had another 2mg. So my "cycle" to date is 2mg every second day. Slight improvement, a further 5% in movement and 10 % in pain. I havn't noticed any sides really.

Wednesday Morning - had a great sleep and shoulder feeling another 10% better :)
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Crap I didnt realise it had been a week since I last posted. Ive had steady improvement. Its only been 12 days but feels alot longer, so Im not expecting a miracle right yet. My shoulder is definitely about 25% better. I can now sleep the whole night through. I still wake with significant discomfort in the morning but at least Im not waking every time I roll over. Ive stopped surfing so I can give it every chance of improving.
August 2nd - RESULT !!!
My right shoulder feels like its 95% healed. I can fully sleep on my right shoulder without consequence. Im so stoked. Left shoulder is about 50% now which is very good too. Considering Ive actually kept surfing which involves somewhere upwards of 1000 rotations of the shoulder joint rotator cuff each 2 hour surf I think this is pretty remarkable. Its 3 weeks today, still doing 2mg every 2nd day.
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Thanks for updating. Glad this is working out as well for you as it did for me. Pretty awesome compound. Anyway i'll be watching for your next update
Thanks for sharing your experience! I'm running a course of this too With my cycle due to right should pain, though nothing as serious as what you describe... This is very encouraging!
ok so I had to cease this program as of 17th August as I had to have ear surgery. As reported I was doing 2mg every second day so thats like 6 - 8mg a week. I got good results, I was expecting better but as reported I did keep surfing which involves a heluvalot of shoulder rotations plus I was working out with 3 days a week interval/cross training but no arm and minimal chest work (No Pushups, pull-ups, pulldowns, mostly skipping, alot of leg work & alot of core stability).

My left shoulder which is the worse of the 2 is at about 60% now, up from about 10 - 20 %. Just to clarify at 10 - 20 % I Could barely winde up the car window after a surf (yes I own a car that still has a wind up window, not electric !) My right shoulder though is at 90% up from about 40%. Im very pleased with that result. Im not a huge guy, I surf so I need to be lean & fit but I can complete 3 sets of 8kg (17 pound) dumbbell shoulder presses without any unexpected discomfort on my right shoulder/arm. Id be lucky to complete half of 1 set using my left.

I began my TB4 cycle on the 12th July, finished on the 17th August so thats about 5.5 weeks. I will pick it back up in a week and see if I can get this left sorted out.

Another interesting foot note, for all you Aussies. I have recently stumbled across a gov website stating that TB4 is a WADA Prohibited substance HOWEVER its not an Australian Customs regulated substance ie its NOT a customs prohibited substance. See page 18 of 47 of this document.
I therefor believe you can import this substance without fear of customs seizure.