TB500 cycle log...........


New member
hey everyone. Im not gonna bore you with the details of how i got the injuries. A year ago i messed up my knees squatting (not from weights but from overuse). Theyve been getting better but if i stand for longer than 20 minutes they start hurting like shit. I did a lot of PT (still doing) but nothing should take this long to heal. Anyways, a few months after my knee injury, i was doing pullups and got a sharp pain in my bicep. Again, i wasnt lifting heavy. It got much better but still aches if i lift anything that engages my biceps. ANYWAYS, 3 weeks ago, i was doing shoulder presses on the smith machine and after i was done with my set, my right pec felt like it needed a stretch ( cant really explain it in any other way). I finished my workout and went home and iced it just in case. Its been three weeks and it still kind off bothers me so i havent worked out since then. All the injuries weren't serious where i lost range of motion or anything but the pain is there. Im not sure why my muscles keep getting fucked, as i said, the injuries never happened while i was lifting Heavy. I guess i had to rest more? Anyways, i dont want my chest injury to end up like my bicep and knees. I was looking up what people used for injuries here and ran across TB500. There wasnt a lot of information so im really skeptical about this but decided to give it a try. Some people said that tb500 healed their tendonitis so of course i would try that. I ordered some TB500 from RUI today. I am planning on pinning 2mgx2 a week for at least 6 weeks. I want to start a log but wanna see if you guys would be interested first. I know i would have liked to see more logs on that stuff. Let me know!
Jimmithing did a decent log on tb500 some time ago.he prolly knows where to find it. I'm thinking seriously about trying it out as well. Soon Rui is having a great sale on every item. Gonna score me some tb500 for tendinitis issues I've been having over the past several months:
Yea his log is what actually made me want to do my own. If its effective as people say it is, there needs to be more logs.
I will def be following your log. Best of luck with this man. One of the biggest benefits with TB was my increased ability to actually perform and push more in PT so def utilize it along with the TB.
I will def be following your log. Best of luck with this man. One of the biggest benefits with TB was my increased ability to actually perform and push more in PT so def utilize it along with the TB.

yea man Ive been off the gym for about 3 weeks now and will only get back to it when i start the tb. I will be doing PT for literally my entire body while on it. Thanks for your log man it was very helpful
yea man Ive been off the gym for about 3 weeks now and will only get back to it when i start the tb. I will be doing PT for literally my entire body while on it. Thanks for your log man it was very helpful

Good deal. Thanks. I wish you the success I had and will follow your progress man.
I plan on buying some at the dec 1 sale. Do you inject tb500 subq in the belly fat or real close to the problem area?
Hey everyone sorry for taking long to post. I got the tb a couple of days ago but thought that i could buy sterile water at a pharmacy without a rx but turns out you need one for water(h2o...). Anyways, i got the water today and today was my first 2mg pin. I did it intramuscular because i had a bunch of needles leftover so i thought why not. All went smooth, no pin pain or anything. Im not really feeling anything yet. Ill be pinning wednesdays and sundays so stay posted!
Hey everyone sorry for taking long to post. I got the tb a couple of days ago but thought that i could buy sterile water at a pharmacy without a rx but turns out you need one for water(h2o...). Anyways, i got the water today and today was my first 2mg pin. I did it intramuscular because i had a bunch of needles leftover so i thought why not. All went smooth, no pin pain or anything. Im not really feeling anything yet. Ill be pinning wednesdays and sundays so stay posted!

You won't "feel" anything from it...you will just hopefully notice that you heal faster. I know someone that used it at 5 mgs a week for horrible tennis elbow that would not go away....it seemed to clear it up in about 3 weeks. He swears by the stuff. Keep us up to date.
I picked up 6 vials from the dec1 sale. Probably shud have more but that amount should be able to tell me if it's working and helping my problem

Good luck with your log bro, I'll be following it as well
I am planning on injecting intramuscular. I became a pro at them and have never done subq. I heard it doesnt matter which way u inject right?

IM is ok too. I just did subq for convenience purposes but it shouldnt matter. Just no need to do site injections as the way tb500 works there is no benefit to doing so but again it wouldnt hurt .
So yesterday and today were attempt one for rehab. I did legs yesterday and rehab exercises for my chest. One thing i have noticed is my injury sites itch more now. inflammation is easier all over my body. Today's workout went smoothly. i was able to finish three exercises pain free. my chest feels a little tender but ill take that over pain. next tb pin is this sunday.
Injection 2 was tonight. My chest feels kind off sore today. not the bad kind of sore. me knees and chest have been itching a lot. Nothing in my arm. inflammation is definitely better. Its not gone, but better. My next PT session will be monday. I am doing 1 day on 2 days off for the first week so that i wouldn't push myself. Ill be logging every time i feel something new. stay tuned!
Today was pin three. Today i woke up feeling like all my injuries are somewhat "stronger". Not sure how to explain it other than that. Its like theyre telling me its okay to put some extra stress on us haha. Tomorrow is my fourth PT session.