Tearing feeling in spot of injection on leg day


New member
Hey guys ... so its been awhile since ive injected my left quad ... had absolutely no pain there ... fully healed .. then the other day i go to do legs on the leg press ... first set .... wasnt even going too heavy and feeling almost a tearing feeling on the way down right where i do most of my quad injections on the upper outer part .. pretty sure they are related .. now today it feels all bruised there inside , but nothing visible ... any of you guys ever get this ? its also happened before to me
Maybe just some scar tissue moving around. Are quads your main injection site? I would not worry a great deal about it as long at is not painful. If you feel pain then worry because that is your body saying that something is wrong. Is it painful? Good luck bud.
thank you tury691 ! at the moment it just feels bruised .. i know it will go away in maybe a day or two because its happened before in the other quad .. but now the second time .. And yes quads are my main injection site .