test 400 .... damn


New member
last night i started a new cycle
... i m fucked up now///
test 400 most painfull shit ever i tried....
killing me
my ass got swollen in 24hours... is normal? hurt s like a bitch

only 1.5 cc i did
Yep, standard with T400. It does get better with time, but mixing in a cc of some other oil based product will alleviate the problem. I just finihed 2oml of T400. It's a good product, but I mixed every ml with some nice yellow top deca.
For Denkall being "the best vet gear in Mexico" according to alot of guys, that particular product is quite crappy imo, for lack of a better term. The pain is common bro. I used it without adding Equipoise ONCE, then learned my lesson. I felt like I injected it with a whalehook, and could barely lift my arm for like 10 days, and it got no better with time. The test-flu is also pretty bad initially, but I get the same deal with most all of the Mexican Vet Tests. That one, along with the Denkall Aqua-Test give it to me the worst it seems.

For Benzyl Alcohol Pain: Mix EQUIPOISE at a 2:1 ratio of EQ:T400(or whatever item is causing said pain).

For Test-Flu: Hot tea, Aspirin, time, get into some cardio. That part of it isn't really that unbearable. Rather just uncomfortable. The BA pain though(as you said), is NO joke. It's bad.
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