test 400 injection...help!!!

so the moral of the story is stay away from t400? i hope i don't get these kinds of issues with the 250 or 200 i have on the way. gear keeping me out of the gym = pointless in my book.

lol just had flashbacks to that day early on in us navy bootcamp 10 years ago when we got the peanut butter shot in the butt. grown men crying like babies for days lol. i was lucky and i massaged the many cc's of shit around it was seriously like a mound of peanut butter in my right ass cheek it was hilarious.... but i had a bit of soreness the next few days but nothing major. most of the dudes couldn't sit down. hopefully i take the coming oils just as well!
Went to the Dr.'s today; I have an abscess in my right glute. I am trying to figure out where this otherwise sterile process became unsterile.

Before injection: showered. Proceeded to take off cap on vial. Wiped top of vial with alcohol pad (was still slightly moist when I started to extract). Took out drawing needle (sterile) and extracted given amount. Removed drawing needle. Alcohol swabbed the pre-shaven area on my glute (twice). Put on sterile needle (leaving plastic cover intact).

During injection: used two fingers to apply tension for injection. Pulled back on stopper to ensure I was not near any blood vessels (couple air bubbles came out). Proceeded to inject. I went way too fast (probably under 30 seconds for 2 1/2 cc of T400 Test Enanthate). Removed needle.

After injection: several alcohol swabs until bleeding stopped. Allowed to air dry. Went to bed.

Next day: attended a concert, was in the mosh pit (not sure of relevance other than the insane amount of sweat all over my body...but this happens while we work out). Also drank that night (not a lot 3 beers, 1 shot, 1 four loko), was throwing up in the morning. Not sure if it was due to the booze or shot or a combination.

Next thing I know, I am sick as a dog. 103 temp, vomitting, swollen glute, can't move around in bed.

What I know: I injected way too much. My dosage is supposed to be 0.625, not 2 1/2 cc.

What I am looking for: Potential areas during the injection process where I compromised the sterile environment.

Additional Info: My gear is Testoline by Dynasty labs T400, injecting with 23g needles (obviously sterile).

I take T400 for awhile now.

I've had absesses before with it; You most likely injected it too fast. When I do this correctly it takes me anywhere between one and a half to three minutes. T400 is Oil based. When you inject it too fast your muscle cannot absorb it fast enough, listen to it don't push it too fast you can usually feel the resistance of it while you're pushing.

Not all absess are INFECTIONS. You most likely have a sterile absses they get hard and hurt for awhile during scarring. T400 is really painful; My first shot was on my deltoid but hey; I still do it in there and you can work out just push through the pain.

Good Luck..

so the moral of the story is stay away from t400? i hope i don't get these kinds of issues with the 250 or 200 i have on the way. gear keeping me out of the gym = pointless in my book.

lol just had flashbacks to that day early on in us navy bootcamp 10 years ago when we got the peanut butter shot in the butt. grown men crying like babies for days lol. i was lucky and i massaged the many cc's of shit around it was seriously like a mound of peanut butter in my right ass cheek it was hilarious.... but i had a bit of soreness the next few days but nothing major. most of the dudes couldn't sit down. hopefully i take the coming oils just as well!

Remember some people show Allergic reactions to T200 and such; T400 is safer but you can't cry about it. It's gonna hurt.
What I did

First time taking T400 I injected 1.5cc's onto my Deltoid. Couldn't move it right for a few days. And then I started taking 1cc every 3 and every 4 days (2cc a week is about as much as you want to do) I did my glutes but I like spotting so I use my deltoids. A friend of mine does his Biceps but I am not very fond of that. Triceps might be a better choice since it's a bigger muscle. If you read above you will know what happens if you push the plunger too fast.

Questions? E-mail me Sanguijuela34@hotmail.com with the subject T400.
Holy mother eff, I finally recovered from that shot. It's been about 11 days and it kept me out of the gym for 7 days straight. I am going to split my 0.625 dose between quads and glutes, i.e 0.315 left quad 0.315 right quad on sundays, 0.315 left glute 0.315 right glute on thursdays. I'll keep everyone posted to see how this goes over, other than the excessive pinning (which I don't mind, yet anyways) I don't see any issues.
I am taking t 400 right now ,it feels like someone frog the shit out of my quad for 2 or 3 days ,and after that its all good ,just for those 2 or 3 days i wont do a leg workout,other than that no biggie,I am thankful im not having a problem like some of you are
Test 400 in a delt for a first shot would really suck. After I started cutting it with EQ, I didn't really have much issues with pain and stiffness. Before that, my quad would be stiff as shit for about a week.
Holy mother eff, I finally recovered from that shot. It's been about 11 days and it kept me out of the gym for 7 days straight. I am going to split my 0.625 dose between quads and glutes, i.e 0.315 left quad 0.315 right quad on sundays, 0.315 left glute 0.315 right glute on thursdays. I'll keep everyone posted to see how this goes over, other than the excessive pinning (which I don't mind, yet anyways) I don't see any issues.


Here's some stats for T400 I found. First time I took it on my deltoid it hurt for about 13 days ;)
I’ve always done deca in the past but started to take tes 250 I do a vile a week 30

injected 1 cc into my left delt friday and now i have a knot and terrible pain...is it an infection??...i have no experience with test 400 but i know it is supposed to hurt but this seems different from any other gear pain i have ever experienced...any advice from someone with similar experiences will be appreciated...thanks

I’ve always done deca in the past but started to take tes 250 I do a vile a week 300mg 3x times a week.
When I first started a took 200 mg but aim in to my second month now , all I can say is avoid all areas apart from the ass , because of the pain i tried it it first of in the leg a split the dose could not ff walk for week , really bad . but them my legs a lean , best in your ass you have a bit more meet, there but I think with tes you need to start off with moderation and with not such a potent mix , what I found was if you take it laying down the muscle is relaxed unlike when standing up , and if you take it before going to bed , spread the load in 2 injections in the same side , massage it for a good ten min after make sure you can feel the pain when you are doing your massage , the next day should be fine , if you want to take before training then I have found a going on my running machine for a fast walk or a run for 30 min after works just as good , , but what I found to happen now is the muscle were I inject is getting hard , and you can feel it under the skin , so I think I will try to change the brand , for a more reputable brand , I get this from a m8 who gets in from the UG lab every small dose see what that dose , but when I find some decent Deca i will swap, and not take as much , what I have noticed is rather than getting stronger aim getting weaker and it’s not because of training , I never had this happen before so I will Finnish the cycle and see if the situation changes so if anyone know about some good Deca let me know ,
I don’t think it’s the Tess its your ass maybe you should think of a good diet LOL

In the microwave but honestly buddy it wont help. Theres to much ba in your gear so it will kill. I just took some 250 test e and my ass is huge. Not impressed. Dilute it with some other gear like eq or youll just have to endure the pain.

what I found to happen now is the muscle were I inject is getting hard , and you can feel it under the skin , so I think I will try to change the brand , for a more reputable brand , I get this from a m8 who gets in from the UG lab every small dose see what that dose , but when I find some decent Deca i will swap, and not take as much , what I have noticed is rather than getting stronger aim getting weaker and it’s not because of training , I never had this happen before so I will Finnish the cycle and see if the situation changes so if anyone know about some good Deca let me know ,
i maybe a sick fuck but i luv the way that 4 hundred makes me feel i luv pushing through the pain it makes me feel alive !!!!!
if i get some thats really thick ill warm it up under the faucet and then take a really hot shower and pin it in there that shit kicks in real nice
Today is 20 days after Test Prop in calf. Swelling just started to go down 2 days ago. Calf is still too sore to work out. There is now a hard knot inside my calf. It is getting better day by day but this will probably take at least 30 days to clear. My quads and delts take the Prop with no problems.
I dont find it to hurt anymore then anyother test. But they say it becuase of the high level of alcohole that has to be used to enable all the test to mix that causes the pain. If they didint use the extra alcohole T400 could not be made !!
well the common experience people are having with T400 seems to be pain, pain and more pain...i was going to start a T400 only cycle but now I really don't think I am after reading this thread....I also think i am being ripped off here..this guy is sellin me a 25ml bottle for $600....does that sound right?
biotech t 400 didnt hurt me at all. I injected 1 1/4ml into my delt 2 days ago. Painless. Maybe it is underdosed. We will se in a couple weeks wont we
Test 400

Guys best way to inject t400 is to take it with deca and that's by taking .5 ml out then 1ml t400 then the other half that is left of deca I tried it and never had lumps pains or anything and use alcohol wipes only before u inject never use it after injecting..it worked for me doesnt always mean that it'll work for you every one is diff...hope it helps
Lol at geo515 mate 25ml for $600!!! U wanna buy the same bottle for $300!! looool