Test 500 twice a week half cc good cycle ???


Does that sound good for 10 weeks then wait two weeks and take clomids. Opions please . 38 years old 218lbs 6"3
age stats lifting history etc please buddy and we will help you best we can.

what test are you running ?
I've been lifting off and on since high school done about 5 cycles in my life but never this stuff test500 I hear it in and out potent stuff not sure ??
if its dosed at 500mg/ml its likely to be more painful an injection but should be fine. id extend the run buddy to atleast 12 weeks maybe go 14 if you want serious gains and yourl need the neccessary ancilleries on hand id run it like this:
1-12 test 500
2-12 aromasin 12.5mg eod
7-12 HCG 500 ius x2 a week
14-17 Nolva 40/20/20/20
14-17 Clomid 50/25/25/25
14-19 daa powerchews or pwoder 3g's a day (daa is optional helps with test levels)
14-19 forma stanzol (controls eatrogen deals with any rebound, increases free test altho not essesntial i always use it)
up to you mate but i prefer to have everything, and ensure i get and also keep all i can from my cycles.