Test Ace/NPP/Mast/Oral Cycle - Help Me Plan This Out Right!


New member
I did one Tbol 75mg/Test E 600mg 13 week cycle starting in January. I'm fully recovered now. Also tried Epistane for about a week and then dropped the orals altogether to see what only Test was like.

On cycle, I was great until week 8 and then started having estro problems. Got them in check around week 10, blasted HCG for 10 days, waited 4, post cycle therapy (pct) of 100/50/50/50 clomid 40/40/20/20/20 Nolva.

I'm looking at a short 6 week cycle, going to start mid September:
Test Ace - 50mg ED
Mast Prop - 100mg 3x a week
NPP - 150mg-200mg 3x a week
Anavar or Epistane - 80mg ED or 60mg ED (havent decided which). Also debating 25g Dbol + 40mg Epi.

New compounds would be NPP and Mast. Caber & Aromasin on hand, .5mg-1g/wk and 12.5mg EoD (if the Aromasin is even needed).
Would a short 6 week cycle, ran with HCG 2x a week at 250ius 2x a week work + have a short recovery time? How would you come off a short ester cycle as this (since its my first short ester)?

Anything you guys want to suggest/input/insight?
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I like 6 week cycles :) What kind of stats are we dealing with here?

5'11'' 183 lbs. 11% bf.

My test/tbol cycle got me to 193 from ~178, most of which was water weight I lost within 2 weeks of coming off. So 2 weeks post cycle, I was 188. Been cutting for a while, got down to 180 and now slowly going back up. Leaner than when I started as well.
Sorry for the late reply, Avenger.

Your dosing is a bit low for a short burst cycle. This is what I would do:

Test Prop at 200mg EOD.
Tren Ace at 80mg ED. (I see no need for anavar, I would choose this OR var)
Mast Prop at 200mg EOD
NPP at 200mg EOD

This is assuming you insist on all compounds here. Otherwise personally, I would run this without NPP. Nothing to do with coupling 19-Nors, nothing wrong with that, but I don't see the benefit here.

I would deplete carbs for a month before you do this. 3 low days and 1 high, then get steady once you're on cycle.
Sorry for the late reply, Avenger.

Your dosing is a bit low for a short burst cycle. This is what I would do:

Test Prop at 200mg EOD.
Tren Ace at 80mg ED. (I see no need for anavar, I would choose this OR var)
Mast Prop at 200mg EOD
NPP at 200mg EOD

This is assuming you insist on all compounds here. Otherwise personally, I would run this without NPP. Nothing to do with coupling 19-Nors, nothing wrong with that, but I don't see the benefit here.

I would deplete carbs for a month before you do this. 3 low days and 1 high, then get steady once you're on cycle.

Not ready to mess with Tren yet :)

You may have misread my original post - I have ~40 mL of Testosterone Acetate on hand (quick in, quick out) I'd use for this cycle.

I think I'll be doing EoD 100mg Mast, .5cc TestAce ED, 150MG EoD NPP. I'm leaning towards 40-60mg Epi for 4 weeks because it's so much cheaper than Var. Since this is my 2nd run and first with short esters, I do want to keep the dosing low to gauge my reactions.
^ LOL! I'm really sorry man. I have no idea why I posted tren, I think I saw Test Ace and assumed it was tren. in that case I would certainly use NPP.

I need to focus more or get some sleep.
^ LOL! I'm really sorry man. I have no idea why I posted tren, I think I saw Test Ace and assumed it was tren. in that case I would certainly use NPP.

I need to focus more or get some sleep.

Doubt it since that's exactly how I read it at first as well hahaha