TEST=Bad INSULIN sensitivity! IGF help?


New member
Ok, I am a type 1 diabetic, and have been taking TEST E, come to find out, that apparantly it can make you less Insulin sensative, as I have been taking 2x the amount I am used to!

1. Wouldnt this make you FAT?

2. Does it make a "normal" person less insulin sensative? Or is it just because my diabetes?

3. Would IGF help restore the sensativity while on cycle?

4. How does being less insulin sensative make you gain fat weight? It dont make sense? I mean if you eat the same amount of calories but require more insulin how does it cause fat gain? Just because it takes more insulin to shuttle nutrients? :confused:
I know HGH can mess with your insulin sensitivity, but I've never heard of test doing that. Where did you hear this?