test boner!


New member
been on fina for two weeksand the fina had me :cockblock just added test today,was gonna post to ask how long till i feel test and BOING!::horny: :hitit: :Pump: :wackit: does it really work this fast or is it in my head!
are you on tne, prop, phenyl prop, enanthate, cypionate, Sustanon (sust), omna? i guess the ester would realy matter the most. although its prolly in your head.
still huge! test prop,syno conversion.of course all post are fictional , kits used for experimental purposes only
cdog said:
still huge! test prop,syno conversion.of course all post are fictional , kits used for experimental purposes only

LOL, I like to experiment with my boners too :)

Glad your experiment worked so fast :)
On the insert in my Delatestryl it says Painful, prolonged erections are a side effect.

I wish
What test did you use?

If you used Suspension, w/ in a couple of hours. Prop, w/in a day and Cyp and Enth w/in a couple of days.