Test c & e/winny advice

Red Ranger

New member

I have purchased some gear and have a dosage question. I plan on doing 250mg test c/mon and 250mg test e/ thurs for weeks 1-10. I have 50mg winny tabs and will do adex at .5 mg eod and pct clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20. My question is how much and when should I do the winny?
Don't wanna be a total ass.. But did u buy a bunch of gear just thinking of what u may do,, or did you plan some shit out and strategically plan a cycle? I've never bought test e and test c together as part as a plan,, either or with test p, cool..,but why test c and e and together,,?? Front load the test prop and dial in your long ester test e or c ..
If I got test E and c sitting around, cool., but kinda confused as to what u mean .
But I'm in Colorado and legally stoned right now, so my advice just came from the universe which has not yet stopped spinning (as far as I can tell)..,

But anyhow, the most kick ass blend and AAS cycle I've never done is a test c and test e combo !!! Cool.,,, Wow that combo is the fn bomb!!
Ok ,not. Lol.
Ummm. I'm too whatever to add a compound to test c or e to make this thread. Interesting
This is very unusual. Never seen somebody pin e on Monday and c on Thursday. This is ology. I guess if we haven't seen it, we will eventually.

I don't understand the whole concept of purchasing gear but dont know how to use it. If Im going to buy gear, I know exactly what I'm doing with it! To obtain winny and ask what to do with it is a lil awkward to say the least...
This is very unusual. Never seen somebody pin e on Monday and c on Thursday. This is ology. I guess if we haven't seen it, we will eventually.

I don't understand the whole concept of purchasing gear but dont know how to use it. If Im going to buy gear, I know exactly what I'm doing with it! To obtain winny and ask what to do with it is a lil awkward to say the least...
I've gotten them in a blend before. I'm not discrediting you I just don't know why you would order them separately...
Lol, replies made me realize that you are mixing 2 different esters. Totally useless. Stick to test e @250 twice a week. Serious, this is ridiculous. Also, you should consider losing fat before starting a cycle. You simply don't start at 14-16% bf, because that's fat. Cut down to 10%, not 11, not 12... 10%. Than, consider running your cycle. Reason i tell you that is because you will see better results if you blow up lean. Also, less side effects. And if you are planning on moving some weights, winnie will totally screw your joints. Not a bodybuilding drug IMHO. This is how you destroy your joints. But if you insist, pitch winnie in at 50mg week 6. Run it for 4weeks... if you even last that long on it LOL.
Switch adex for asin if you can. This way you don't get an estro rebound fromm adex. Adex parks in your estro receptor where asin actually lowers it. Which is why it is called a suicide AI. 6.5-12.5 should be enough. The longer you run asin, the more sensitive you become to it, which means the less you'll need of it.
I'm new to AAS (one cycle under my belt) but my brother who is a professional bodybuilder with plenty of experience recommended the mixture because he has done it several times with great gains. As for the winny, I told him I want a lean cycle for summer and he said to go with that. I went ahead and got the stuff because my only source was making an order and said he wouldn't be doing another for a long time so I figured it's better to get it and sit on it while I develop a plan than to want it and not be able to get it.
Lol, replies made me realize that you are mixing 2 different esters. Totally useless. Stick to test e @250 twice a week. Serious, this is ridiculous. Also, you should consider losing fat before starting a cycle. You simply don't start at 14-16% bf, because that's fat. Cut down to 10%, not 11, not 12... 10%. Than, consider running your cycle. Reason i tell you that is because you will see better results if you blow up lean. Also, less side effects. And if you are planning on moving some weights, winnie will totally screw your joints. Not a bodybuilding drug IMHO. This is how you destroy your joints. But if you insist, pitch winnie in at 50mg week 6. Run it for 4weeks... if you even last that long on it LOL.
Switch adex for asin if you can. This way you don't get an estro rebound fromm adex. Adex parks in your estro receptor where asin actually lowers it. Which is why it is called a suicide AI. 6.5-12.5 should be enough. The longer you run asin, the more sensitive you become to it, which means the less you'll need of it.
Oh dear. Let's clear up a few things. Brother Bundy is totally correct in stating that there is no noticeable difference between cyp/enanthate, so it's far from useless. It's a bit of a pain to do it that way, but it's fine.
14% body fat is not too fat to cycle at all, and while I agree that there are health risks from cycling at higher body fat, we're talking in the 20's. Having that tiny excess of fat may actually be beneficial as the caloric demands needed to grow more muscle tissue may exceed current intake - giving him a small cushion.

While I share your sentiments in that winstrol can cause joint pain, it IS a bodybuilding drug used pre-contest to give more of a dry look by pulling water out of tissues. This is why it hurts the knees/shoulders/elbows as these like to be lubricated when put under stress.

Finally, adex is an aromatase inhibitor just like aromasin. BOTH of these drugs bind to aromatase, preventing it from converting testosterone to estradiol. The key difference being that aromasin is suicidal, and does not have any rebound when ceased. You're likely thinking of SERMs, which bind to the receptors in certain tissues like those found in the beast.

I mean no disrespect, but really felt like clearing that up. :)

I'm new to AAS (one cycle under my belt) but my brother who is a professional bodybuilder with plenty of experience recommended the mixture because he has done it several times with great gains. As for the winny, I told him I want a lean cycle for summer and he said to go with that. I went ahead and got the stuff because my only source was making an order and said he wouldn't be doing another for a long time so I figured it's better to get it and sit on it while I develop a plan than to want it and not be able to get it.

I'm sorry, but your brother gave you some suggestions that don't really apply to you. There is no reason to use two long esters like this, and as mentioned it's more of a hassle than its worth. The ONLY exception is if it's a blend, at a higher concentration like 400mg/mL, where the two are combined as it's easier to keep two esters in solution at 200mg than one at 400mg. If so, you may experience some serious bite.

Ditch the winny. It's pointless in this context as diet will determine results more than taking this kind of drug. If your brother is a pro, I'm sure he'll be able to make use of it. Also, please get a blood test before you start and 5 weeks into your cycle. That dose of adex may be too much and you want to be sure not to overdo it.

I really recommend you spend the next few days reading the stickies at the top of the page. If I had a dollar for every "pro" that was clueless when it comes to the drugs, I'd be a rich man by now.

My .02c :)
Don't wanna be a total ass.. But did u buy a bunch of gear just thinking of what u may do,, or did you plan some shit out and strategically plan a cycle? I've never bought test e and test c together as part as a plan,, either or with test p, cool..,but why test c and e and together,,?? Front load the test prop and dial in your long ester test e or c ..
If I got test E and c sitting around, cool., but kinda confused as to what u mean .
But I'm in Colorado and legally stoned right now, so my advice just came from the universe which has not yet stopped spinning (as far as I can tell)..,

But anyhow, the most kick ass blend and AAS cycle I've never done is a test c and test e combo !!! Cool.,,, Wow that combo is the fn bomb!!
Ok ,not. Lol.
Ummm. I'm too whatever to add a compound to test c or e to make this thread. Interesting

I don't remember posting this..
Oh well guess that's what happens when you take a day off from the gym and go have drinks with the lady instead.

Yea, i mean why mix 2 different type of esters. For future reference, he'd be better off sticking to one. Less confusing.

Sorry haha, you are probably right. I find a cycle becomes less effective the higher your body fat becomes because the user isn't able to see the changes he would see at 10% vs 14-16%. However, I do use secratologues to assist me in fat loss.

As for winstrol, I totally agree with you. But when it comes to moving weights around, winstrol will become a pain hehe. Also, winstrol is liver toxic and is very harsh on lipids. Why not opt for masteron? It does the exact same thing, without the joint pain, while keeping estrogen in check, without damaging the liver and is less harsh on lipids (even though both affect cholesterol a lot).

And you are totally right about the adex and serm part haha. I got myself mixed up. Always good to stay updated :). Yea what i meant is that asin would be a better choice because it doesn't have a rebound when stopped. Therefore, gyno wouldn't be a worry after ceasing the AI.
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The two esters have almost identical half-lives and molecular weight. Cypionate is slightly longer lasting, and has slightly less testosterone per volume of oil. Nothing that makes a difference at the end of the day. Absolutely no point in combining them. Just use one vial for this cycle and save the other one. Or use them both, knock yourself out buddy.

P.S. The winstrol will strip a lot of subQ water and give the appearance of being leaner, but like halfwit said. Your bodyfat levels will be determined by your diet. If you want to strip fat, eat less. If you want to get bigger, eat more. If you try to do both at the same time, you will most likely ended up spinning your wheels in place. Recomp is possible and a real thing, but it is slower and more complicated. most people do better focusing on bulk or cut.
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Yea, i mean why mix 2 different type of esters. For future reference, he'd be better off sticking to one. Less confusing.

Sorry haha, you are probably right. I find a cycle becomes less effective the higher your body fat becomes because the user isn't able to see the changes he would see at 10% vs 14-16%. However, I do use growth hormone and secratologues to assist me in fat loss.

As for winstrol, I totally agree with you. But when it comes to moving weights around, winstrol will become a pain hehe. Also, winstrol is liver toxic and is very harsh on lipids. Why not opt for masteron? It does the exact same thing, without the joint pain, while keeping estrogen in check, without damaging the liver and is less harsh on lipids (even though both affect cholesterol a lot).

And you are totally right about the adex and serm part haha. I got myself mixed up. Always good to stay updated :). Yea what i meant is that asin would be a better choice because it doesn't have a rebound when stopped. Therefore, gyno wouldn't be a worry after ceasing the AI.

I've seen studies that show the more adipose tissue you carry, the less serum testosterone you get from the same quantity of IM testosterone injections. So a fatty might get 700 ng/dl on 100 mg Test C per week, while a shredded bro might get 1000+ ng/dl. The study also showed that this was not due to aromatization as commonly thought, since both groups has similar levels of estradiol. Very interesting stuff.
Honestly I don't think my bf% is really there because I have great definition, vascularity in arms legs and shoulders and can half way see abs even though I haven't done an ab workout in 5 months. I got my readings from a very cheap scale I bought at Walmart so that might be a little off. If I still end up going with the winstrol, should I take something to protect my liver? As for the adex, my first and only cycle I went .5 eod and never had any problems and I really thought about cutting it back a bit this time for that reason then upping if needed.
Those tests are extremely inaccurate. Sounds like you are around 15% or less. If you want to help protect your liver from winn, take NAC. The only way to tell for sure about the E2 is blood work. It's not bad to take it for prevention, just watch for low/high e2 sides. Better safe than sorry. Once that gyno tissue sets in, then you will have a problem. Prevention is the best medicine.
N-acetyl cysteine. It replenishes the livers stores of glutathione, one of the most potent anti-oxidants and detoxifiers in your body. I know this is the mechanism of action by which it protects you from tylenol OD. Its prescription name is mucomyst.(tylenol overdose makes up a pretty large percentage of emergency room visits)