test cyp tren ace is 1ml of each twice a week to much?

first of all what are your stats? age height weight bodyfat cycle exp

clomid as an AI? no..

what's your goal of this cycle?

and what are your dosages for all this stuff? you cant just come on here and say "i wanna take test tren and adex does this look ok?"
Hi I am starting a test cyp 300 and tren ace cycle but am worried about gyno someone said take clomid half a tab every day and amidex eod though out the cycle then clomid nolvadex after course can any body help if this is OK cheers

No. Use an an AI. I use adex. 0.25mg eod works for me. At 300mg test ew, I bet e2 will not be an issue. Is this your first run with tren, and please dont tell me this is your first cycle:)
This my first proper cycle iv done test before but never a complete cycle how does 200 mg tren eod and test 200 mg Monday n Thursday sound
I'm 5 11. Weight 95 kg. First cycle I want to lean up dosage test 400 mg week tren 600 mg a week So what Do u think?
when you're doing a cutting cycle, you should use just the minimum of testosterone. if i was in your position, i would do 175-200mg/wk of test, then start the tren ace at 350mg a week (50mg ED) and up it according to how you feel.. mentally and physically.

a dopamine agonist is a must, i love caber. and so is an AI even though 175mg is such a low dose of test you should have it on hand just incase.

is this your first time using tren? you're gonna be blown away. you even gain muscle on a caloric deficit. now i've ran tren 5 times before, only to cut, as high as 700mg a week and i've always had the same results: losing fat but remaining the same weight, or even gaining weight. i cant imagine what its like to bulk on tren! holy shit
You need more research not just throw out a dising protocol and think your going to be spoon fed. Ok you've done a test cycle so you say.
Now you want to use tren and you don't even talk about a DA.

Do you know what a dopamine antagonist is for
OK il lower my dose to 200 mg test and tren 350 n see how I feel I want to cut not to blow up
the 200 test is to keep the bloat to an absolute minimum. given that your e2 is in check you should experience no bloating. you will definitely drop fat if your diet is in check, but the tren no matter what will build muscle and thats a fact!
the 200 test is to keep the bloat to an absolute minimum. given that your e2 is in check you should experience no bloating. you will definitely drop fat if your diet is in check, but the tren no matter what will build muscle and thats a fact!

Are you telling me that all I have to do is pinn tren and I'm going to build muscle? Wrong. Not going to magically grow without proper diet FACT.
Are you telling me that all I have to do is pinn tren and I'm going to build muscle? Wrong. Not going to magically grow without proper diet FACT.
uhhhh ok.... you know what i meant.

but since you already think i meant tren will get you bigger even without working out, i hate to break it to you, but thats true. you can have a shit diet and get home from work and sit on the couch all day eating chips and you will still get bigger and stronger. that would be a waste of some tren, but yeah.

do you even know why tren was invented, fat boy? its so that farmers could inject their livestock with tren before transporting them somewhere that could take weeks and they wouldn't lose any muscle from the lack of food, and also gain muscle.

much like all of your posts, you get ahead of yourself and just talk nonsense. do some homework man
I merged your two threads. They are both on the same topic and you already got answers in your first thread.

Seems you are looking to be spoon fed answers. Read the Stickies. And asking the questions over and over again until you get the answer your desire is silly.

Wait until you are 25. 19 years old is way too young.