Test, dbol and GH cycle questions


New member
Hey guys,
I'm starting a test, dbol, IGF-1 LR3 & GHRP-6 cycle in the next few weeks when my stuff arrives, was just looking for some inputs etc.

The cycle will be:
Test e - 500mg e/w
GHRP-6 - 100mcg x2 ed
IGF-1 LR3 - 50mcg ed
Aromasin - 12.5mg e3d

Clomid - 50/25/12.5/12.5
Test booster ED

I will also be using melanotan and taking b12 injections, if anyone can give me a moderate/steady b12 dosing protocol that would be great also. Thankyou
Sorry i didn't add the dbol dosage lol it will be 25mg ED weeks 1-4
I will also have HCG for the last few weeks of the cycle carrying through to PCT. Information on how the hcg should be dosed will be great also. Thanks again.
I always take 500mcg b-12 a week. I think you should add 500ius hcg twice a week to your cycle too. You thinking about adding sarms after pct my friend?
Clman i will consider bumping the dose to atleast 50mg later on throughout the cycle. My last cycle i gained 3 kilo in just the first 10 days from the dbol i get. So idk if 100mg will be necassary for me haha.

Cheers needtogetaas, should i run the hcg throughout the whole cycle till the end of pct at 500iu 2x a week? I looked into sarms, would you recommend running some after cycle? And why? I havent looked too far into them just yet.
Clman i will consider bumping the dose to atleast 50mg later on throughout the cycle. My last cycle i gained 3 kilo in just the first 10 days from the dbol i get. So idk if 100mg will be necassary for me haha.

Cheers needtogetaas, should i run the hcg throughout the whole cycle till the end of pct at 500iu 2x a week? I looked into sarms, would you recommend running some after cycle? And why? I havent looked too far into them just yet.

You only need the hcg during the cycle to keep the lh signal going and prevent your gonads from shutting down during cycle. No need for it during pct if you got a good pct pained. Sarms is not something I would use during pct but after and between cycles they are awesome. They will not cause any further shut down and once you have recovered there is no reason why you cant jump on a sarm and run it till your next cycle to help keep gains.
Okay thankyou.
Damn i will definately be ordering some sarms for after pct. They sound magical. From personal exp. what sarms do you suggest are better? I've seen the S4 get some great reviews.
Looks decent man. In my opinion you should throw in deca and avoid the peptides. The deca will increase your appetite anyway, help with structural density and more. Also with that low a dose hcg 250 iu twice a week will suffice. If deca is throw in with equivalent dosage to test up hcg 500 iu twice a week. Aromasin dose is ok but with deca will be needed at higher dosage as well caber will be needed. For pct do clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 all starting 2.5 weeks after last shot. Man b12 isn't gonna hurt you. Overdose doesn't happen in the human body. You will pee it out. The protocol that work wonders for high performance athletes is 1000mcg every day for 7 days then once a week for maintenance dose. Huge benefit. Remember pct is verrrrrrrrry important. It can be the difference of losing everything to keeping a large amount from cycle. Not to mention your dick not working, becoming depressed and a host of other serious complications. In my opinion pct is the most important thing. Best of luck homie!
Looks decent man. In my opinion you should throw in deca and avoid the peptides. The deca will increase your appetite anyway, help with structural density and more. Also with that low a dose hcg 250 iu twice a week will suffice. If deca is throw in with equivalent dosage to test up hcg 500 iu twice a week. Aromasin dose is ok but with deca will be needed at higher dosage as well caber will be needed. For pct do clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20 all starting 2.5 weeks after last shot. Man b12 isn't gonna hurt you. Overdose doesn't happen in the human body. You will pee it out. The protocol that work wonders for high performance athletes is 1000mcg every day for 7 days then once a week for maintenance dose. Huge benefit. Remember pct is verrrrrrrrry important. It can be the difference of losing everything to keeping a large amount from cycle. Not to mention your dick not working, becoming depressed and a host of other serious complications. In my opinion pct is the most important thing. Best of luck homie!

Deca will definately be ran next cycle, all your info regarding deca been saved, cheers bro.
Okay great, i will load 500mcg for 7 days and then maintain with 500mcg a week of b12. Is that PCT for my cycle or with added deca?
So you where running the sarms between cycles Jozifp?
yep. it takes a while even after pct to be fully recovered. clomid and nolva will boost your testosterone way up during pct making you think you are recovered, but once you stop the nolva and clomid your test drops down a good amount. then it may take another month or to to get back up to baseline. if you run sarms during this period you are ruining your chance of a full recovery, then if you jump on another cycle, you are shutting yourself down again. all in all you never really recover. that is what happened to me.

also a note on the peptides. ghrp is not very effective by itself. it should be combined with cjc, sermorelin, or another ghrh. they work synergistically together.
yep. it takes a while even after pct to be fully recovered. clomid and nolva will boost your testosterone way up during pct making you think you are recovered, but once you stop the nolva and clomid your test drops down a good amount. then it may take another month or to to get back up to baseline. if you run sarms during this period you are ruining your chance of a full recovery, then if you jump on another cycle, you are shutting yourself down again. all in all you never really recover. that is what happened to me.

also a note on the peptides. ghrp is not very effective by itself. it should be combined with cjc, sermorelin, or another ghrh. they work synergistically together.

I finished pct my from my first ever cycle just a month ago, which was just test e 500mg. Is a month after finishing pct enough time for my body to rest or do you recommend waiting longer? I will get a hold of CJC and run it with the ghrp. Thanks mate.
I'd wait just as long as you would wait to do another aas cycle. If you use sarms as a bridge you're never letting your body recover. Even if you were recovered after a month an you hopped on sarms, your suppressing yourself right when your body recovers. Then if you jump on a cycle your shutting yourself down again so in reality you're only recovered for a couple weeks out of the year. That's asking for trt. Make sense?