New member
So been on a Test Cyp (500mg/wk), Deca (400mg/wk) cycle now for about 5 weeks. Had labs done before i started and everything looked good, on a TRT schedule of 125mg/wk and keep track of the Estradiol pretty close. Generally do a .25mg dex e3d to help keep it in check
Just got my labs back from 5 weeks and was surprised to see my Estradiol had climbed to 72.9 (scale 7.6 to 42.6), did not do the sensitive test though. I upped my dex to .5mg every M/W/F and thought that would take care of things since I was pretty good on my TRT dosage. Test came back at >1500 so that is good. Prolactin came back at 14 (scale 4 to 15.2). Just started taking some Prami, (.125 ed, will work up over time) as have started to get a little deca dick
Question is does the Test Deca combination effect Estradiol even more than just a Test cycle would? I would not have thought at the levels I was taking that the .5 dex M/W/F would not have been covering things. Not really feeling any sides to high Estradiol at this time either. Do have some Tamox on hand incase though.
Just got my labs back from 5 weeks and was surprised to see my Estradiol had climbed to 72.9 (scale 7.6 to 42.6), did not do the sensitive test though. I upped my dex to .5mg every M/W/F and thought that would take care of things since I was pretty good on my TRT dosage. Test came back at >1500 so that is good. Prolactin came back at 14 (scale 4 to 15.2). Just started taking some Prami, (.125 ed, will work up over time) as have started to get a little deca dick
Question is does the Test Deca combination effect Estradiol even more than just a Test cycle would? I would not have thought at the levels I was taking that the .5 dex M/W/F would not have been covering things. Not really feeling any sides to high Estradiol at this time either. Do have some Tamox on hand incase though.