Test-Deca cylce Question


New member
How long does it take to notice any gains/strength increase when on a Test/Deca cycle...I am currently in week 2 of the following cylce and dont really notice anything yet..I will do my third round of injections tomorrow...Also is it okay that I inject these two drugs mixed toghether at once...Thanks for the help...

Test Cypio 400mg Wk for 12 weeks
Deca 250mg wk for 10 weeks...
yes its fine to mix them together as they are both oil based. you should start noticing some sort of gains or effects from now. personally its not till around week 4 that i notice anything
im about 5 1/2 weeks into a Sustanon (sust), deca cycle. well i started the first 4 weeks as a test cyp, deca cycle. then switched it to sust deca. i have the most rediculus pumps i have ever had in my life. first time runnin deca and i am loving it. my mind muscle connection is really good too. dont know if that is because of the crazy pumps. but ya im running the test for 14 weeks, and the deca for 12. drop the deca at least a week befor u drop the test. as for gains i have gained 15 pounds of very solid muscle. and have gotten alot leaner. u will really like this stack bro. deca has blown my mind. what is the name of the lab u are using??
Thanks for the input...The other concern is the gear I am using is from Inmunolab (Mexico). Any thoughts on this...My friend swears it's legit, but it worries me a bit...I've been getting redness and some itching at the injection sites...Should this worry me???? Or is this to be expected...
