Test, deca, dbol, anavar, winstrol cycle


New member
5th? Cycle

I'm thinking of running this
Test c- 600mg/week 1-16
Deca- 400 mg/week1-16
Dbol- 60mg/ day 1-6
Anavar- 60mg/ day10-16
Winny- ? 10-16
Exemestane- 12.5mg/ day 1-20

Hcg 2000IU E4d 18-19ish
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50

Now for my questions. I've never run deca or winny, what should I know about these compounds. Deca causes prolactin issues? Also what is a good dose for winny? Any other comments are greatly appreciated
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Waaaay to many conflicting compounds.


All water retention and strength mass builders

Anavar s so mild it would be waste.
Winny---hate it but it too is a drying agent for advanced bbders. Kills hdl ldl ratio. Will counter act the joint therapy the deca will give you.

Shit load of h c g too...

Why all that gear ? Ur a big guy. Ur not using the
5 cycle s 5 drug s approach that seems to be permeating ur age group are u ? Slow down..ur so young y the body punishing cocktail of aas ? U2 will be old and feeble 1 day.
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Yeah maybe I was getting a little horny with the compounds and didn't realize they do contradict. Better off to run a test, deca, dbol kicker cycle, then let my body recover and get used to the new size, then run a cut cycle down the road. I like that dose of hcg, it's what I've always used and what's always worked for me. Any tips when using deca? Like I said I've never used it before