Test deca dbol stack cycle


New member
Hey guys lets just say first off I'm new yes I know. What I want an that's to get a good bulk.anyway I have never done juice before I'm 125 pounds u can see y I want to start anyway is it a good idea for me to do the test deca dbol stack if I'm new any pointers needed as to how much how long to maintain them thank you just trying to be safe I am 23 also. Just getting info what to take for my first ever cycle
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AAS will do nothing for you. What you need is food. 125 pounds ls way to light to be taking steroids. wait till you get around 200 pounds or even 185 before you do AAS! This is not something to play around with. THis is serious shit. You can fuck yourself up for the rest of your life. And no that is not a good first cycle That is 3 different steroids. Tht is not for someone new at all. Go to the store and buy some food. And Lift. Im pretty sure you havnt lift a day in your life weighing only 125 pounds. i know this isnt what you want to hear but its the truth. Everyone else is going to tell you the same time. We are looking out for you bro. Dont do something you are going to regret.
Yes I'm small bc I'm a hard gainer that's why I was looking to take juice I have bought some dbol caps white clear some test e an some deca I took one weeks worth an boom needles to say the shit is peanut oil an the dbol is prolly l Argine something like that.anyway yes I'm 125 pounds for 125 I'm considered strong yes I have weight trained I'm not new to this I'm solid 125 I'm ripped 6 pack cut I can post pics my thing is I am really cut but I don't like my weight an I eat good plus I use true mass no explode for a pump workout an bcaa amino acids
How abt dbol an test e take out the deca I just want to have a good first cycle I would be good to go if I didn't take peanut oil lol but it's a good thing it was fake gear or I would of over done it with the stack I know wat I'm doing to my body an I don't care I just want one cycle to get right an after that if I need again il bump it up within a year I'm sure if u do it right get off of it take a good post cycle therapy (pct) an stop for a long time I should be fine but thanks for looking out but u know when someone wants something there gonna do it I lift over my body weight I bench 180 an I'm 125 u see wat I mean now I train got a membership but its not working an I tried fina flex let me tell u that shit sucks so I want the real deal now
Most people that only do one cycle don't go thru the trouble of asking everybody's opinions. I don't think there is such a thing as "im only going to do this once!" If your deadset on doing it, atleast read up A LOT and research everything. I don't think its a good idea but to each is own.. I've been on an off for over ten years and still don't know shit! Lol this is the third site I joined and I'm loving the info and the honesty of everybody here.
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if you do anything please read the stickys, get everything you need day one before needles go into the skin. be ready and dont get tits on that slender frame ;-))
I'm 23 I'm placing a order I read up abt it just asking opinions from vets anyway I am placing a order of test e 24 amps 250 mg twice a week so 500 mg a week for 12 weeks dbol for a kick start 4 a day 10 mg blue hearts so 40 mg total for 6 weeks after the test is done with wait 2 weeks to start my clomid an nolvadex not sure how to do the whole post cycle therapy (pct) but says take 100 mg of clomid an 40 mg of nolvadex first week then after that finish with 50 mg of clomid each day and 20 mg of nolvadex any suggestions an I'm not backing out of it it's wat I want
You should be running some hcg in the cycle or your nuts are gunna shrink up to raisins. It is much easier to maintain them then to have to jump start them when they are shrunken.
Of course why not I mean hell even older guys should not take them my buddy is 23 an he is huge now body builder solid big cut an he is doing fine with them of course he doesn't like to admit them but he started when he was little I will post pick I have been training but I can't reach nothing
a 125 lb guy who can't gain weight from eating is just that same guy who doesn't know how to eat properly only on steroids, ifyou don't know how to eat and train you won't get any permanent muscle on steroids
I'm gonna wat a pound of protein for every body weight I have is wat Internet said an 3000 calories sound good ? Any pointers
man take it from me, if you read up on it, you'd know to use 1 aas at a time, so you can see your reaction to each. start off with 500mg test e for 8-14 weeks. I ran 14 weeks, libido started dropping weeks 11-14. I'd suggest nothing longer than 10 weeks. you're going to do what you want though. Do you know proper pin sites? if not youtube that shit before you inject into a vein. if you're too lazy use your ass cheak and make a + on your ass you want to inject in the upper most outer box. Make sense? Worked fine for me, I only used clomid for pct, but the hcg is probably a good tip. My nuts shrunk a bit, but they came back. good luck bro, make sure to get with 3j and get a meal plan. $100 well invested.
Look airge23 or wat ever will u bounce off my shit u immature idiot no one gives a rats ass wat u have to say ur prolly some nerd sitting on a conputer all day beatin it to the pols pics get a life an worry abt urs obvious u keep coming here u think its cool to be funny on here my body how abt you just get over with it ur the loser u got no life going to ppl a shit calling em names does it make u feel good bc u can't do it in person ur pathetic man
Hey bro who is 3j an to tell you the truth my mom is against this but she said if I'm gonna do she would like to inject for me she is a rn so can do it u seem pretty cool would like to talk to you abt food an stuff while on juice bc I researched this all of it but u can't believe the Internet some times
You want to get a gram to 1.5 grams of protein per lb of body weight. 2+ would be great. U should've already been doing that before the gear since you've been training.