Test E 500 and Dbol HELP SEX DRIVE


New member
so I’ve been doing 500 test 250x2 a week for 3 weeks, stoped taking AI because I have no symptoms of gyno, me and my girl last night we’re going hard and could hardly get hard, is there a quick fix to this?? It’s like my libido is shit and idk what to do
Start taking your AI would be an excellent start. Elevated estrogen isn't good. You weren't seeing symptoms because the AI stopped aromatization.
So you say you have no symptoms of high E2 lol. Just what symptoms are you looking for if pushing rope isn't one of them?
AI to help in the future......cialis to help now ;)
If you're convinced your issue is not estro then get some blood work to make sure.
Is this your first cycle?
Also, when you say "sex drive" are you referring to your desire for sex, ability to have sex "erections" , or both issues? Cialis won't usually help desire.....just ability.
I'm no doctor. Just lots of personal experience with hormones....unfortunately.
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The reason for taking an AI is not just for Gyno.

High Estrogen has a Myriad of Side Effects, long time before you get Gyno, that's the End-Stage.

But Lack of Libido is a definite sign that your Estro is High....................... JP
Getting Bloodwork done for Estradiol can help you in Dialing-in the Correct Dose of your AI.
you stopped taking an ai because you had no sympoms of gyno!?!? the ai was doing its job bro! now you got real problems.
please detail this cycle of yours, and pct plan and your stats. and get bloodworks done to see what your E2, FSH, LH and test levels are.