Test e 500mg/ week - Alcohol timing - before pct or after? please help

mike tyson

New member

so i have two options

Week 1-12: Test Enanthane - 500mg Weekly
Week 3- 12: Arimidex - 0.25mg
Week 12-14: Holiday - Alcohol consumption
Week 15 - 18: Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20 - Clomid 50/50/25/25(note: i would be complete drinking before pct)

Week 1-9: Test Enanthane - 500mg Weekly
Week 3- 9: Arimidex - 0.25mg
Week 12 - 15: Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20 - Clomid 50/50/25/25
Week 16-17: Holiday - Alcohol consumption (note: i would be complete pct before drinking)

The holiday is 10 nights and will probably couple drinks during the day but probably 2-3 big nights out

What is the better option?


Ive had all my pre blood tests done and all levels are good.

These are my stats:
175cm tall
15% BF

I have been working out for 8 years on and off, last 4 years has been solid 6x days week nutrition is on point.

Any other reccomendations on cycle, pct, or anything would be great thank you
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You didn't say how old you are if your under 25 I highly recommend not using steroids or you risk not properly recovering your testosterone levels and alot of other problems. Your missing HCG which is essential for making recovery easier. I would personally start taking an AI the day of my first injection not on the third week. Test E should be ran for a minimum of 12 weeks so your 9 week plan won't work. 0.25mgs of arimidex twice a week might not be enough I would personally need more but I don't know how your body handles estrogen. Drinking during Week 12-14 for plan one could be bad considering your stopping your AI and you will have estrogen rebound combined with water retention from drinking.

I personally would advise not to drink heavily for any ammount of time during your cycle or around the time you start pct. Save the heavy drinking for when you are off your cycle and have properly recovered. If you have 3 or 4 beers a couple times during one of the weeks during a cycle it wouldnt be the end of the world but I highly advise staying away from any "big nights out" lol.
Do u need alcohol to have fun ?
It s useless.

Ur either young or from the UK or both in which case I understand it is required lol. Beggin ur pardon then.
It's highly probable that you will live and make it through this protocol. I can't say with 100% certainty though. You need to add HCG as has been stated. 5000iu the last 4 weeks at 250iu 2 x per week. That will get your balls full of synthetic LH and make them full of sperm. So careful who you bang. THen you will be ready for recovery and your probability for fast and successful recovery increases greatly. Also your chance of living. At least with good natural vitality.
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"...u will live..."

Ur fitting right in....on more pip thread....one more oral only cycle..one more..

In the real world my middle initial s P...NOT FOR PATIENCE.
I don't know why you are telling us about your alcohol consumption? WTF does it matter to us and for you , you're not gonna die or severely injure yourself , in regard to using AAS and your drinking.

You know it's not good. Most of the guys here ( not all) have done something similar at sometime in their career and recovered. So I can only think you.......well I don't know what purpose was in telling us and asking for some option. You forget the one option of NOT Drinking. Are you trying to impress someone during this time and you feel you can't enjoy yourself, or keep up or the pier pressure.

OH your age.....? Personally I think this one stupid thread and Q's. Grow up and get a grip kid.
"...u will live..."

Ur fitting right in....on more pip thread....one more oral only cycle..one more..

In the real world my middle initial s P...NOT FOR PATIENCE.

One more bullshit thread. Really OP you came to the site for help and information as you said. You want us to set up your alcohol drinking schedule and your AAS and PCT timing. Get out of dodge man, really there are other more, bro-bullshit-science forums that would love this crazy shit. Once again ,,,,,,,,,,:flamingma

TooTuff, let me get a hold of that trigger