Test E / Anavar Cycle Advice Needed


New member
Hey guys I've been searching different forums to get a better idea on what my Test E/Anavar cycle should look like but I get all kinds of conflicting info... I was hoping that someone could give me some definitive feedback on my cycle, thanks in advance. My stats are as follows:

Cycle Experience: I've taken a few Test only cycles, and don't seem to have any issues with negative sides (No gyno, acne, ect.). I've been training for about 5 years now, but I've only been taking it seriously for about 3 years.

Stats: I'm 24 years old, 5'10", 175-180lbs around 13% BF (It's been a short while since I checked).

Diet: I eat pretty clean, but my diet fluctuates when it comes to WHAT I eat... I always try to mind my fat/protein/carb/calorie intake... but I don't have the strictest diet in the world.

Gear: I have come up with two different cycle plans, just not sure which one will yield the best results. I have 25 shots of Test E 250, 250 10mg Anavar tabs, and about 50 20mg Nolvadex on hand.

Cycle 1
Week 1-12: 500mg Test E
Week 1-4: 40mg Anavar ED
Week 10-14: 40mg Anavar ED
Week 13-16: PCT Nolvadex 20/20/20/10

I've read a bunch of places that its good to run Anavar for the beginning of the cycle, and then run it towards the end to get you over the 2 week bridge until you start post cycle therapy (pct). Any thoughts?

Cycle 2
Week 1-12: 500mg Test E
Week 1-8: 40mg Anavar ED
Week 13-16: PCT Nolvadex 20/20/20/10

I've also read in many places that since Anavar is so mild on the liver & kidneys that it can be run for up to 8 weeks safely without any hardcore sides.

Any advice you guys can give me would be much appreciated. Thanks alot!
dude i feel like i was reading my own bio just now, im a little less body fat but everything else was dead on, did u start the cycle yet? I am planning on the same exact cycle in like a month, very curious as to what happens here, no MPB for you? would that even be a worry in this cycle?
I didnt start yet... im gonna pin the test starting today. Im thinking about starting the Anavar (var) two weeks into my test cycle and just do it for 6 weeks straight. As far as MPB, my hair has been falling out since i turned 21 (EXTREMELY depressing!) but i think its just due to bad genes. My uncles, both grandfathers, my dad... all bald. My younger brother is 19 and he has just as little hair as i do and hes never taken any gear. Im not saying that a few cycles havent made my situation worse, but i have heredity to put the most blame on.

What does your cycle loodk like bro? Im interested to hear...
similar to your second cycle, but I am only running 300mg of test e, I am not a huge guy, and have been told time and time again, that if your not 200 pounds its sufficient enought to go 250- 350 mg test e. I AM around 185 now flucuating between about 3 pounds daily, or maybe just dodgey scales. Same anavar as you maybe 50 mg. I have propecia, been taking it about 6 months now, my doctor said it would take around 8 months to start working. It has started to stop my hair from thinning and I can see some minor regrowth. Dude everything you see on here about people taking finistride with there cycles are freaking half retarted, (esp when they say to start a month before your cycle, propecia takes minimum 6 months to start effecting any DHT). My family is def prone to MPB, DBOL is the fuckin worst, omg Its effects on me are great, I get huge on 15-20 mg, but I mine as well inject NAIR into my scalp LOL. Its not worth it for me DBOL gains dissipate sooo fing fast even with PCT, I am not starting my cycle for another month or so. I have never done test before, I was actually going to run a lil deca at the last half of the cycle as well, but I was advised to not that for my first cycle of test.
Dbol is good for jumpstarting a cycle if your using a longer Esther test. It works fast and works great, but you lose the weight as quickly as you put it on. It's definitely rough on the hairline, but vin diesel is huge and bald... He gets all types of ass, so I'm not worried about the hair loss :laugh3: good luck with your cycle dude, keep me posted on your progress.