Test E & Anavar Cycle Advice


New member
Hi All,

I am due to start my second cycle soon, and have got my mind set on Test E & Anavar (I previously ran Test E & Dbol).
I am 6ft3 in height, around 190 lbs. I am a regular gym user, and keep myself fit and healthy with a nice clean diet. My goal is to get into good lean shape, not too bulky but not slim at the same time. My upcoming course is as follows;

Weeks 1-10 Test E (400) 1ml every 3 days
Weeks 2-10 Anavar 40mg ED
Weeks 2-12 Arimidex 1mg EOD

PCT to start 5days following last jab Test E
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

First of all, how does this cycle look?
Does my PCT sound sufficient enough?
Will I get decent and noticeable gains from this cycle?
Any reccomendations to amend the dosages or change the PCT substances will be taken on board.

I appreciate your help in advance :)

hi, how old are you?

so youre running 800mg of test a week?? or 1200??
is it 400mg/ml?
Hi 3J,
I'm 20, and yes it is 400mg/ml.
Would 800mg per week be overkill?
It is more than I previously stacked with, but wanted a higher dose this cycle with only planning to run40mg ed Anavar.
my man, youre 20 years old.. why are you dabbling in steroids?? you understand your natty test levels are going to be affected for life? youll likely end up on trt..

with that being said, youre talking about running 800mg of test!! why?

i personally recommend you dont run a cycle right now.. youre just too young and are doing more damage than good in the long run
3J, it's a good point your making and one I've heard before, but I'm looking for decent gains in a short time, and the only way to do this is with the proposed plan. I posted this prior to my cycle for advice, and will take all of it on board. So thanks for the advice, would it be better to do 1ml every 5 days or even 1ml per week?
Milton, I was thinking about it yes. However, I am open to any reccomendations to adjust my planned cycle. Do you think 1ml every 5 days or even 1ml per week would be a better choice?
it would be better not to run the cycle at all.. honestly i can add 1-2lbs a week on your naturally through proper diet and training alone
3J, it's a good point your making and one I've heard before, but I'm looking for decent gains in a short time, and the only way to do this is with the proposed plan. I posted this prior to my cycle for advice, and will take all of it on board. So thanks for the advice, would it be better to do 1ml every 5 days or even 1ml per week?
1mg of Arimidex Eod with 400mg of test ! gonna crash yourself.

also at your 6'3" height, 190 pounds seems really thin. I'd spend more money on food then gear at this time. Plus only 20 years old, your shutting down strong natty test production , possibly for the rest of your life, for a 10 week cycle just to be in a little bit better shape. that doesn't sound like a very good risk to reward ratio to me.

i wouldn't touch gear at 20 yo unless your have great genetics for bodybuilding and plan on making a career out of it, and even then prob not worth it