Test E Anavar Cycle


New member
Well guy my gear has arrived and I'm ready to begin my cycle. This will be my first time using an oral. I chose anavar for a couple of reasons low sides being the main factor. I am planning on using the anavar at the begining of my 12 week cycle for the first 8 weeks. Different I know there has been a few people who have kick started with var but I'm making this thread to document how it works for me.

Test e 250 twice a week Tuesday and Friday 1-12w

Anavar 60mg Ed 1-8w (thought about 80mg Ed but I have never taken var so I don't know what to expect)

Aromasin 12.5mg Ed 1-14


Clomid 50/50/50/50 Ed Weeks 14-18

Nolva 40/20/20/20 Ed Weeks 14-18

Here is a picture of my gear pretty excited I actually already took my first pin on Tuesday

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So first things I have notice I Aml gear is extremely smooth. No pip what so ever my second injection is tomorrow I've been using 22g pins because I cannot seem to fine anywhere that has 23 or 25g inch and a half.
The packaging Aml has their orals, Ai's, and Serm's in are pretty cool clean and professional. Great customer service. I forgot to order the nova brain fart I guess.

Nothing has had time to really kick in so not much to post at the moment I have notice a minor change in vascularity in my arms but this could be my imagination. Pumped for what is to come haha
You consider taking var the last four weeks? I don't kickstart with var cause its very mild. But during a lengthy cycle when gains start to drop during the end it's nice to hit it wih var. gains go back up. Alot of guys prefer it at the end of a cycle and not the begging like you would with dbol. Dbol has great muscle building potential unlike gayavar. Lol. Gayavar is very mild in muscle growth.
Yes I have considered using var at the end of my cycle like most people do anavar is probably the only oral that I am going to cycle and this is going to be a one time thing. I am trying to stay away from the bloat, moon face and blowing up from dbol. This cycle I'm planning more of a cut/ hardening rather then a bulk. I'm still open to more options strength and getting extremely lean is my goal for this cycle.
looks sweet !!

Good luck and keep us posted, you got it all covered , you might even be able to use 6.25 aromasin daily. varies on your age and weight. i use 12.5 daily and its good!
id personally start the Anavar later so that it ended with the test, its more of a hardener and cuter than a kick starting med
Ok I know I've been on the edge about starting it later in the cycle. You guys might have me convinced because that is how it is typically run. Are you telling me there no benifits running the var up front? I know I want to run it for 8 weeks at 60-80mg Ed (my magical number I guess). If I were to start it later would I start on week 4 and end on week 12 or start week 6 and run it right through to pct?
Ok I know I've been on the edge about starting it later in the cycle. You guys might have me convinced because that is how it is typically run. Are you telling me there no benifits running the var up front? I know I want to run it for 8 weeks at 60-80mg Ed (my magical number I guess). If I were to start it later would I start on week 4 and end on week 12 or start week 6 and run it right through to pct?

4 through 12 ending with the test
Well not sure if it is a placebo effect or that I have taken the anavar for 4 days (before our earlier decision to start on week four) but I felt some pretty significant strength gains and a feeling of being very in tune with my muscles. Also muscle definition seems to be increasingly noticeable. I might just run with it although I don't have the experience to compare it to running it at the end of my cycle I like what I'm seeing so far guess its an experiment then ill be post more stats on diet and stuff tomorrow exhausted.
Well not sure if it is a placebo effect or that I have taken the anavar for 4 days (before our earlier decision to start on week four) but I felt some pretty significant strength gains and a feeling of being very in tune with my muscles. Also muscle definition seems to be increasingly noticeable. I might just run with it although I don't have the experience to compare it to running it at the end of my cycle I like what I'm seeing so far guess its an experiment then ill be post more stats on diet and stuff tomorrow exhausted.

its probable placebo but use that mental edge to get bigger!
its probable placebo but use that mental edge to get bigger!

The mind is my most powerful tool.
So I slept like a baby last night solid 9 hours no dreams no nothing I closed my eyes and bam I'm ready for another day. Woke up so hungry I probably would have eaten my tooth brush if I had went to brush my testy before I made some grub.
I make a shake 1 cups milk 1 scoop isolate 1/2 an avocado 2/3 cup of blueberries to get the edge off while I made breakfast

3 whole free range eggs basted medium
1/2 cup oats
2/3 cup blueberries
1 cup dry curd cottage cheese
A lot of cinnamon
And 1/4 cup milk

This left me perfectly satisfied now I can make my lunches without eating them all before I get them packed up

X2 Chicken breast seasoned with a dash of Montreal steak spice and load of Chilli powder
Placed on a salad containing kale bristle sprouts red cabbage crasins pumpkin seeds and some other funky stuff they put in it lightly seasoned with poppy seed dressing 2 cups per meal

Salmon fillet also placed on the Costco salad

Hand full of raw almonds

1 cup of Greek yogurt mixed with dry oats 1/3 cup blueberries cinnamon and a table spoon of peanut butter yumm!

2 apples

And roasted sea weed great snack to cure that salt craving

Protien shake after gym 1 scoop isolate


Bison burgers made with oats onions and other fantastic things my favorite easy to make easy to cook

Sweet potatoes

Steamed broccoli

And a shake before bed with water

I don't really count my calories but if anyone has any suggestions I'm open to ideas
Had some extreme stomach pain yesterday slept from 5:30pm right through to 7:30am had hope I'm not getting sick. I take my aromasin with a meal I drink a bathtub of water a day. I have never had an ulcer before but this is what I would imagine it would feel like. Pain comes in waves worst after eating and makes me really figity. Hope it was just a sick was that has gone away
I was dosing the var twice a day I'm gonna go three times a day avoid as many spikes as possible. Maybe that will help. I think to myself why I wasn't doing this to begin with with var having such a short life span and the fact that it is litterally 1 pill three times a day is pretty easy. Oh well like I say first time taking an oral don't know how my body is going to react. Hope it was just something I ate. Feel fine so far today.
So it was third injection yesterday had a twitch while injecting was regretting it after a couple hours. Felt like I ran my hip into a door knob at full tilt could barely walk. Feels ten fold better today after some good old Advil.
It's been a little over a week now was feeling some really good pumps in my arms yesterday. At one point I believe my arms where about to explode felt good was able to push it a little harder/longer. So far so good.