Test E Anavar Cycle

So had a routine check up today heart is healthiest I've seen it same with blood pressure.
Systolic 105
Diastolic 57
Resting heart rate 43 bpm
Never really been one to watch my blood pressure but I'm thinking those are pretty good numbers ( correct me if I'm wrong) especially the fact I use to be a heavy smoker and drinker now the worst thing in my diet is peanut butter simply because of the sodium makes up for how bland I eat everything else.
Blood in 2 weeks excited to see those results.
Been really starting to notice the Anavar (var) kicking in definite strenth gains been really leaning out as well and forearm veins are just a popping got my first bicept vein felt like the man at te gym yesterday. Had a few days of stomach pains with gas and acid related is my guess.
Sorry for the poor grammar/ punctuation trying to stuff my face while typing on my iPhone
Maybe try a zantac or other blocker once day? Would get the same pain in the middle of the night. I pop one of those at night for a week and all is well.
The doctor prescribed me some GERD meds yesterday been feeling like a champ ever since now pain at all. He figured I was producing too much acid I had tried Zantac pepto everything nothing worked. He told me to try eating less and smaller portions when I get the pain told him I was unable to do that.
Sweating more but I always sweat alot no big deal
Minor headaches
Acid/gas issues with my stomach
Had a cough late at night last night and some weezing don't know if it was related or not but I had an injection yesterday morning don't think I hit a vein I aspirated and took all normal precautions just random allergies or something is my guess

Pro Sides
Increase in strength endurance wise while lifting can get those extra reps. It really snuck up on me while doing shoulders yesterday had to really take precaustions not to try and over do it right away and injure my shoulder again ( old football injury) it feels 100 has for years but its always in the back of my mind.
I have heard alot of people say they have less hunger on var. not i I still eat to the extreme but actually have no desire to even think about having a cheat day so I got the best of both worlds right now. Not saying peanut butter is unhealthy just the sodium in my eyes but that is the worst thing in my diet at the moment I think even a nutritionist would be impressed by my diet haha
The fat Is melting off of me muscle definition and vascularity are more and more noticeable every day
Sleeping like a baby actually I don't even think babies sleep as good as I've been lately
Weight wise I really haven't been monitoring very close maybe a pound or two up from where I started and considering the change in the look of my body I am defiantly happy with that especially after only 2 weeks
I don't really count my calories but if anyone has any suggestions I'm open to ideas

How are you going to be cutting weight? Losing weight is about being in a caloric deficit. Not the kinds of food you eat, count your macros brah. Gear will only help a little. If you're eating too much you won't lose any fat.
So guys I forgot to post that I had a vile of prop that was sitting there taunting me so I threw that into my cycle at the begining of week two should be finished at 100mg eod right as the test e is kicking In. Never used this method before liking it so far especially the 2cc glute injection with 0 pip.
I did sneeze while injecting the other day beautiful timing bent the needle right in my quad surprised I had no pain.
So guys I forgot to post that I had a vile of prop that was sitting there taunting me so I threw that into my cycle at the begining of week two should be finished at 100mg eod right as the test e is kicking In. Never used this method before liking it so far especially the 2cc glute injection with 0 pip.
I did sneeze while injecting the other day beautiful timing bent the needle right in my quad surprised I had no pain.
Given how many things can go wrong during pinning, that's probably my biggest fear lol. That or outright breaking a pin off inside my muscle!
How are you going to be cutting weight? Losing weight is about being in a caloric deficit. Not the kinds of food you eat, count your macros brah. Gear will only help a little. If you're eating too much you won't lose any fat.
Well I eat the same thing same time every day Im losing lots of fat. I haven't lost weight I've actually gained a bit not much. I have had a lot of "holy shits" lately. I have always been the guy that adjusts my diet according to how I'm feeling and the way my body is changing. So I guess i would just say I'm in tune. If I have time between laying around working and going to the gym ill try and figure out what I'm at.
Given how many things can go wrong during pinning, that's probably my biggest fear lol. That or outright breaking a pin off inside my muscle!

I was terrified I thought I did break it I recently switched to 25g to always used 22s I was using the Zig technique as well if it would have broken off I would have been done
I was terrified I thought I did break it I recently switched to 25g to always used 22s I was using the Zig technique as well if it would have broken off I would have been done

That woulda sucked big time! Seems like ur having great results defenetly gonna keep checking out ur thread
Holy night sweats batman! I thought I was swimming when I woke up this morning been having very vivid dreams as well. Workouts have been going great I can defiantly feel the test kicking in. Pump in the muscles is outstanding and the hardness is unlike anything I've ever felt experienced. I feel like the man!

Have been experiencing the odd headache but I have felt alot more tired then normal I can literally lay down after work 4 or 5 ish and pass out until 10 makes it hard to catch up on my eating. The think is when I wake up at ten its either I go to the gym or go back to sleep I feel too tired to do anything else.
So the last couple days the night sweats have subsided and I have been having the sleeps of my life. No more noticeable negative sides which is great other then shoulder pumps. Has anyone else experienced this? Pump in my shoulders to the point that it hurts. Feel like the muscle is gonna rip it right out of their sockets. Not unbearable could be scar tissue breaking down from when I use to play football and rugby. Just find it weird its the same in both shoulders if that is the case.

On another note muscles are hard as f*** never felt so hard before I am defiantly liking the Anavar (var) so far.
2 month old thread I'm bumping.

Sorry but at least it's not 2 years old lol

Been refreshing this post on my phone for the last week hoping for an update! Planning to run the same but backload the var.