Test-e and boldenone stack, timing?


New member
Hi, i'm planning to do my first cycle being a test-e and boldenone combined cycle.

But since boldenone is slower acting that test-e would it be smart to do as following?

week 3-13 250mg test-e
week 1-12 300mg/400mg boldenone
week 15-17 (or 18?) 20mg nolva (or more?)

This because boldenone takes long to reach potential and not take test-e for too long.
And assuming that the boldone won't shut me down before the test-e kicks in.

I hope you get the idea and please correct me if i'm wrong.

Oh and if you think the test-e and boldenone stack as first cycle is not the best idea and i would be better of with 500mg test-e
then please let me know

test e just like he said. actually agree with everything he said. have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to combat side effects during and run clomid and nolva together for post cycle therapy (pct). clomid should be 50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20. 1st couple cycles there isn't really any need to stack the test is more than enough. plus if you have bad sides from something and are running more than 1 compound u won't know what is causing it. after you've done a test only cycle you will have a better idea how your body reacts to it
Everyone is going to tell you the same man. Test E by itself is a great thing! I'm on my 3rd cycle and still just using test e. I'm up 8lbs in 3 weeks and feel great.
thank you guys for making me realise that the test-e cycle is probably a wiser choice

im still hesitant about what i should run for post cycle therapy (pct) and wether i should run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex along or not (with the idea that less estrogen in my body at the end of the cycle would make recovery easier)

so if anyone has any thoughts on that i would love to hear

ill probably start in 2-3 months and have a log on this board too