New member
I'm sorry but I'm calling on this (for the 20th time). No one gains 30lbs on Dbol and keeps most of it unless its fat and water. That's not what Dbol does. You're certainly not doing it in 4 weeks.
And even if you could gain that much muscle, hell even half that much, your body would revert to homeostasis so fast it woudn't be funny. Again, not happening.
I'd try and refrain from posting bullshit like this out there as its hard enough to get newbs to NOT do Dbol only cycles, much less tell them they can make 30lb keepable gains, all in 4 weeks no less.
Why can't someone cycle dbol only and keep 75% of the gains without being fat or holding all kinds of water?
Truth is, from what I have read, most people dont retain much from dbol post cycle.
Hell man, I think it is possible. I mean after all it is a steroid.
I have a question. If someone came here having taken pictures of before dbol, and after(6weeks) and had the water testing done to provide their exact bf% before and after and it was the same, you would not believe them?