Test-E and Winstrol


New member
OK this is my first cycle and I have been looking around and people say either an 8 or 10 week cycle on test-e for 1st time is ok. Which is best? im doing 250mg weekly....also, i was going to do winstrol towards the last few weeks of my cycle but i heard that the injection winstrol is not recommended with the test? true? Forums i have seen recommend tabs instead. Help please?
well i hope to gain anywhere from 10-20 pounds of good muscle...hopefully get to 190...and then shredd ,/lean out really well and be at around 175-185 shredded less than 10% body fat
my question tho...is: can i take injected winstrol at the same time im taking the test e? or i should just stick to orals?
you can drink the inj Winstrol (winny), but tabs would be easy. you should just eat a bulk diet and train big for a while, then cut down, no juice yet. dont rush man, just eat and train to get your body and mind ready for the juice.