Test E cycle (12week)


New member
First off I haven't ever used steriods before. Through many hours of research I decided to use test e. I don't know anything really about it at all. I am 275 and 5'11 my bf % is 20-25. Any guidelines so I don't end up killing myself?
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Your BF is wayyy too high man. Sorry, but it's the truth. Drop down to lower teens before you decide to use AAS. I am 5"9 and I use to be 215 @ 20% BF complete endomorph round body type with a slow metabolism and sensitive insulin levels, so Im not some skinny fuck, Ive been a fatass before I know your pain. About a year of cutting (lots of cheat meals) put me to 185lbs @ 10% bf. Be patient, AAS won't cut any fat faster than normal. Check out my DNP log, I'd recommend you run DNP before Test E at those high BF% levels
Youre too fat and too young. But go ahead, follow the laws of Darwin. Run Test E and waste your money because your fat is covering all your muscles.
Run something like clen or eca stack first, wait til your at least 30, then run your cycle...

Bro, Test IS NOT going to make you lose weight... Your gonna bloat and look even fatter, is that what you want??? Seriously, run something meant for weight-loss (no aas will do it), watch your diet (thats HUGE) and the fat WILL come off... It takes a lot longer to take it off ten to put it on....
ya , having high bf you are way more prone to estrogen related side effects, high bp... give your self a solid year to yr and a half of shredding down naturally. get your diet in check and get down to at least 15% which seems to be the general concensus
Moar Cardio! I do 15-20mins of cardio after every workout. Some people can't stand the thought of doing cardio and say it isnt necessary, I do it mostly to burn off a few extra calories, and to keep my heart healthy. Don't over do it though or you'll start burning into muscle. Lose some more BF before considering what you're considering.